Details About Student Computer Loans
Are computer loans available?
Yes, but you may only get one increase in your student budget to accommodate the purchase of a computer and printer during your three years at the Law School, so we strongly encourage you to purchase a warranty for your computer.
How do I apply for a computer loan?
It is very important that you complete both of these steps:
- Apply for a separate loan for the computer, which cannot exceed $2,000.
- Submit a receipt to the Financial Aid Office detailing the cost of the computer and printer. The receipt must be in your name.
Are there any restrictions on when I can apply?
Yes, the computer purchase must be made no more than 30 days prior to the first day of classes and no later than late March, so that it can be considered an academic year expense. If you are graduating and have not yet borrowed a computer loan, you must apply no later than the first month of your last semester.
What type of documentation do you need?
A detailed receipt is necessary. You may mail, email, fax or drop the information off at the Financial Aid Office. Whichever is easiest for you.
Does the receipt/documentation need to be in my name?
Yes. It must be in your name or we will not be able to approve your request.
Should I purchase insurance, and can I borrow enough to cover those costs?
We do recommend that you purchase insurance and an extended warranty. Yes, you can request enough to cover insurance but your loan cannot exceed $2,000.
What if my computer breaks before I finish law school?
Unfortunately, you can only take advantage of the computer loan once during your three years, which is why we recommend purchase of insurance and an extended warranty.
What if my computer is stolen?
If we are provided with a copy of a police report and a letter from your insurance company, we can process you for another loan.
I already have a computer but I don’t know if it will last?
You might want to check with our IT department. If you can describe your current computer to them, they should be able to give you a recommendation. Contact information for the Law School’s IT department is available online.
Can I request to borrow costs associated with the computer?
Yes, for insurance, a printer, a carrying case, sales tax, hard drive, keyboard, mouse, cables/connectors, surge protectors, security software, monitor, power supplies, and a wireless internet card. If you are unsure if the cost is covered, please consult with the Financial Aid Office.
What type of computer should I buy?
The Law School’s IT department has recommendations that are available online.
Can I get a computer loan for a desktop and a laptop computer?
No, you may get a computer loan for either a desktop or a laptop, but not both.
What is the maximum amount I can borrow for a computer loan?
Can I spend more than $2,000?
Yes, but we are only able to approve the computer loan for up to $2,000. You will be responsible for paying the difference out-of-pocket.
How long is the application process?
The entire process should take approximately one to two weeks.
When is the earliest that I can receive my computer loan money?
The earliest would be the first day of classes, assuming you have submitted your documentation to us in advance, were approved for the loan, and allowed at least two weeks’ processing time.
What if I want to buy my computer 30 days before classes start, but I need the funds first?
Unfortunately, we cannot disburse the computer loan money to you until the first day of classes, along with any other financial aid you are receiving.
How will I receive the funds?
The lender will send the funds to the school electronically, the funds will show up as a credit on your student account, and a refund will be sent to you for the computer loan.
You can deposit the check into your bank account, or, if you sign up for direct deposit ahead of time, you can skip this step.