Kamisar, LaFave, and Israel’s Criminal Procedure: Investigation
Eve Brensike Primus- Criminal Law
“Pillar 2 and the Credits”
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah“Introduction”
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah“Due Process and Equal Protection in Michigan Anishinaabe Courts”
Matthew L.M. Fletcher- Administrative Law
“A Fresh Look at Judicial Remedies in EU Equality Law and Beyond: The Untapped Possibility of Structural Injunctions”
Daniel H. Halberstam- International and Comparative Law
“De-Nazifying by De-Cartelizing: The Legacy of the American Decartelization Project in Germany”
Daniel A. Crane- Legal History
“The Joy of Justice: Les Misérables and Rosalie Abella”
Susanne Baer“Assessing Visions of Democracy in Regulatory Policymaking”
Christopher J. Walker“Meeting Clean Energy Goals Will Require the Grid of the Future”
Alexandra Klass- Environmental and Energy Law
“Distinguished Discussant Comment on Grotius Lecture, “The Art of International Law, ” by Judge Hilary Charlesworth of the International Court of Justice”
Karima Bennoune- International and Comparative Law
Kamisar, LaFave, and Israel’s Criminal Procedure: Adjudication
Eve Brensike Primus- Criminal Law
“Trust, Trustworthiness, and Misinformation Shared by the Government”
Nicholson Price“The ties that bind us: An empirical, clinical, and constitutional argument against terminating parental rights”
Vivek S. Sankaran- Children and the Law
“Restoring Indian Reservation Status: An Empirical Analysis”
Jeffery Zhang- Litigation
“How Not to Lie: A Don’t-Do-It-Yourself Guide for Litigators”
Leonard M. Niehoff- Litigation
“From Singularity to Signal: Innocence Clinics and the Integrity of the Legal System”
Imran J. Syed- Litigation
“In Search of the First-Round Knockout a Rule 12(B) Primer”
Leonard M. Niehoff- Litigation
“Giving Shareholders the Right to Say No”
Adam C. Pritchard Albert H. Choi- Corporate and Securities Law
“Giving Shareholders the Right to Say No”
Adam C. Pritchard- Corporate and Securities Law
“Why the Supreme Court Avoided Using Traditional Tools of Statutory Interpretation in West Virginia v. EPA”
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
“Unreasonable Risk: The Failure to Ban Asbestos and the Future of Toxic Substances Regulation”
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
“COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Online Sex Advertising and Sex Trafficking”
Bridgette A. Carr- Human Rights
- Health Law
“Reforming Shareholder Claims in Investor-State Dispute Settlement”
Julian Arato- International and Comparative Law
“The Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform Process: Design, Dilemmas and Discontents”
Julian Arato- International and Comparative Law
“Learning to Manipulate a Financial Benchmark”
Gabriel V. Rauterberg- Corporate and Securities Law
- Law and Technology
“Is Corporate Law Nonpartisan?”
Gabriel V. Rauterberg- Corporate and Securities Law
“The Not-So-Standard Model: Reconsidering Agency-Head Review of Administrative Adjudication Decisions”
Nina A. Mendelson Rebecca S. Eisenberg- Administrative Law
Law Is a Moral Practice
Scott A. Hershovitz- Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
- Philosophy of Law
“I Owe My Teaching Career To Peter Henning”
David A. Moran“All Stick and No Carrot? Reforming Public Offerings”
Adam C. Pritchard“The Weakness of Neighborhood Revitalization Planning in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program: Warnings from Connecticut”
Noah Kazis“Taxes in the Time of Coronavirus: Is It Time to Revive the Excess Profits Tax?”
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah“Michigan’s Groundwater and the Public Trust Doctrine”
Shay Elbaum- Legal Writing and Research
Multi-LexSum: Real-World Summaries of Civil Rights Lawsuits at Multiple Granularities - Documentation
Margo Schlanger- Civil Rights
“Medtronic II and the Profit Shifting Problem”
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah“The Stoic Litigator: Ancient Advice on Finding Happiness in Our Work”
Leonard M. Niehoff- Litigation
“Against a Deconstitutionalisation of International Law in Times of Populism, Pandemic, and War”
Anne Peters- International and Comparative Law