“Medical-Legal Partnerships Reinvigorate Systems Lawyering Using an Upstream Approach”

Debra Chopp
  • Health Law
Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics

“Preventing Child Maltreatment Through Medical-Legal Partnership”

Debra Chopp
  • Children and the Law
Preventing Child Abuse: Critical Roles and Multiple Perspectives

“Ineffective Homeschooling in a Child with a Learning Disability”

Debra Chopp
  • Children and the Law
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics

“Strengthening Medical-Legal Partnerships: The Advocacy Letter Project”

Debra Chopp
  • Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Academic Pediatrics

“Addressing Cultural Bias in the Legal Profession”

Debra Chopp
  • Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
N.Y. U Review of Law & Social Change

“Arguing on the Side of Culture”

Frank E. Vandervort Debra Chopp
  • Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
The Litigation Journal

“The Intersection of Family Law and Education Law”

Debra Chopp
  • Children and the Law
Res Ipsa Loquitur

“School Districts and Families Under the IDEA: Collaborative in Theory, Adversarial in Fact”

Debra Chopp
  • Children and the Law
Journal of the National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary