Multi-LexSum: Real-World Summaries of Civil Rights Lawsuits at Multiple Granularities - Documentation
Margo Schlanger- Civil Rights
“The Stoic Litigator: Ancient Advice on Finding Happiness in Our Work”
Leonard M. Niehoff- Litigation
U.S. International Taxation, Cases and Materials
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah- Tax Law
“First Impressions of the International Tax Provisions of BB: A Reasonable Compromise”
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah“Reflections on the Restatement of the Law of American Indians”
Matthew L.M. Fletcher“Racially Territorial Policing in Black Neighborhoods”
Elise Boddie- Criminal Law
- Constitutional Law
- Race and the Law
“International Law Rules on Treaty Interpretation”
Steven R. Ratner- International and Comparative Law
“Plant Closings and Reductions in Force”
Margaret C. Hannon- Labor and Employment Law
“Jhering’s “Geist des römischen Rechts” as a Study of Ancient Social Order: A Comparative Perspective”
Mathias W. Reimann- International and Comparative Law
- Legal History
“Chapter Eight - Technology and the Law: The Automobile (by James Willard Hurst)”
William J. Novak- Law and Technology
“La rhétorique du droit : les arts de la vie culturelle en commun”
James Boyd White“Lady Justice: Many Sides to a Story”
Susanne Baer“The Dubious Constitutional Origins of Treaty Overrides: A Response to Rosenbloom and Shaheen”
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah“Legal Writing Mechanics: A Bibliography”
Margaret C. Hannon- Legal Writing and Research
“A Congressional Review Act for the Major Questions Doctrine”
Christopher J. Walker“Part I - AI and Data as Medical Devices”
Nicholson Price- Law and Technology
- Health Law
“Animals in War: At the Vanishing Point of International Humanitarian Law”
Anne Peters- International and Comparative Law
“Not Just the Historians: Anne Orford’s Insights and the Suspicion Between International Law and Philosophy”
Steven R. Ratner- International and Comparative Law
Multi-LexSum: Real-World Summaries of Civil Rights Lawsuits at Multiple Granularities - Documentation
Margo Schlanger- Civil Rights
White Paper: Effective Communication with Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind, and Low Vision Incarcerated People
Margo Schlanger- Criminal Law
“Minimum Taxation in the United States in the Context of GloBE”
Reuven S. Avi-YonahInterview: Catharine MacKinnon on Abortion and Misogyny
Catharine A. MacKinnon“Shareholder Engagement in the United States”
Vikramaditya S. Khanna- Corporate and Securities Law
“Happily Ever After”
Phoebe C. Ellsworth“María Coleta y el Fraile Capuchino: Esclavitud, Salvación y Adjudicación de Estatus”
Rebecca J. Scott- Race and the Law
- Legal History
“Congressional Myopia in Biomedical Innovation Policy”
Nicholson Price- Law and Technology
- Health Law
Criminal Procedure and the Constitution: Leading Supreme Court Cases and Introductory Text
Eve Brensike Primus Jerold H. Israel- Criminal Law
- Constitutional Law
“Exclusion Cycles: Reinforcing Disparities in Medicine”
Nicholson Price- Law and Technology
- Health Law
“A Quiet Revolution: How Judicial Discipline Essentially Eliminated Foster Care and Nearly Went Unnoticed”
Vivek S. Sankaran- Children and the Law
“Delegation at the Founding: A Response To The Critics”
Nicholas Bagley- Constitutional Law
- Legal History
“AI Insurance: How Liability Insurance Can Drive the Responsible Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care”
Nicholson Price- Law and Technology
- Health Law
“Criminal Enforcement of Section 2 of the Sherman Act: An Empirical Assessment”
Daniel A. Crane- Intellectual Property and Antitrust