“Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Problem of Long-term Harms from Environmental Pollution”
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
Yale Journal on Regulation
“Why the Supreme Court Avoided Using Traditional Tools of Statutory Interpretation in West Virginia v. EPA”
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
Yale Journal on Regulation
“Unreasonable Risk: The Failure to Ban Asbestos and the Future of Toxic Substances Regulation”
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
Harvard Environmental Law Review
Measuring the Benefits of Power Plant Effluent Regulation
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
“Regulating New Fossil-Fuel Appliances Under Section 111(b) of the Clean Air Act”
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
Institute for Policy Integrity
“Will Cities Get Their Day in Court to Litigate Climate Change Harms?”
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
Bloomberg Law
“Toward Rationality in Oil and Gas Leasing: Building the Toolkit for Programmatic Reforms”
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
Institute for Policy Integrity
“Tune Up: Fixing Market Failures to Cut Fuel Costs and Pollution from Cars and Trucks”
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
Institure for Policy Integrity
“Regulating Risk from Toxic Substances: Best Practices for Economic Analysis of Risk Management Options Under the Toxic Substances Control Act”
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
Institute of Public Integrity
Poisonous Skies: Acid Rain and the Globalization of Pollution
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
“State Nuisance Law and the Climate Change Challenge to Federalism”
Rachel Rothschild
NYU Environmental Law Journal
“The Environment in the Atomic Age”
Rachel Rothschild
Oxford Research Encyclopedias: American History
“Détente from the Air: Monitoring Air Pollution in the Cold War”
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
Technology and Culture
“The Turn toward Toxins: An Essay Review”
Rachel Rothschild
“Comments on Fritz Davis, Banned: A History of Pesticides and the Science of Toxicology”
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
H-Environment Roundtable Reviews
“Acid Wash: How Cold War Politics Helped Solve a Climate Crisis”
Rachel Rothschild
Foreign Affairs
“Burning Rain: The Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Project”
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
Toxic Airs: Body, Place, Planet in Historical Perspective
“Environmental Awareness in the Atomic Age: Radioecologists and Nuclear Technology”
Rachel Rothschild- Environmental and Energy Law
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
“Physicists as Environmental Experts”
Rachel Rothschild
DePaul Law Review
“The Origins of the Major Questions Doctrine”
Rachel Rothschild
Indiana Law Journal