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“Michigan’s Flirtation with the Single Business Tax”
James Hines Jr.
Michigan at the Millennium: A Benchmark and Analysis of Its Fiscal and Economic Structure
“Foreign Minority Equity Investments in Chinese Commercial Banks”
Nicholas Calcina Howson
International and Comparative Law
China Business Review
Review of Gestures and Looks in Medieval Narrative
William Ian Miller
“The Expansion of Punitive Damages in Minnesota: Environmental Litigation after Jensen v. Walsh”
Alexandra Klass
William Mitchell Law Review
Foreword to Race, Religion and Ethnicity Discrimination: Using International Human Rights Law
Christine M. Chinkin
Race, Religion and Ethnicity Discrimination: Using International Human Rights Law
“Behavioral Economics and the SEC”
Adam C. Pritchard
Corporate and Securities Law
The Ideal Deal: How Local Governments Can Get More for Their Economic Development Dollar
David A. Santacroce
“The Possibility of Pretext Analysis in Commerce Clause Adjudication”
Gil Seinfeld
Notre Dame Law Review
“Sometimes What Everybody Thinks They Know Is True”
Richard D. Friedman
Law and Human Behavior
“The International Criminal Court and the Limits of Global Judicialization”
Steven R. Ratner
International and Comparative Law
Texas International Law Journal
“Institutional Change and M & A in Japan: Diversity through Deals”
Mark D. West
Global Markets, Domestic Institutions: Corporate Law and Governance in a New Era of Cross-Border Deals
“The First Amendment”
Leonard M. Niehoff
Journal of College and University Law
Uniform Trust and Estate Statutes
Lawrence W. Waggoner
Comparative Constitutionalism: Cases and Materials
Susanne Baer
Faking It
William Ian Miller
Federal Transfer Taxes: Code and Regulations
Lawrence W. Waggoner
“Cross-Listing of Korean Companies on Foreign Exchanges: Law and Policy”
Hwa-Jin Kim
Journal of Korean Law
“Product Liability in a Global Context: The Hollow Victory of the European Model”
Mathias W. Reimann
European Review of Private Law
“A Forum for the Transnational Development of Refugee Law: The IARLJ’s Advanced Refugee Law Workshop”
James C. Hathaway
International Journal of Refugee Law
“Questions and Comparisons: Methods of Research in Social Psychology”
Phoebe C. Ellsworth
The Sage Handbook of Social Psychology
“ADR without Borders”
Theodore J. St. Antoine
Law Quadrangle Notes
“Keeping Habeas in Mind: The Importance of Raising and Exhausting Federal Issues in State Criminal Cases”
David A. Moran
Michigan Bar Journal
“Learning to Trust: Thoughts from a Law Clinic”
David A. Santacroce
Michigan Bar Journal
“ ‘Rational Discrimination,’ Accommodation, and the Politics of (Disability) Civil Rights”
Samuel R. Bagenstos
“Perfect Taxation with Imperfect Competition”
James Hines Jr.
Public Finance and Public Policy in the New Century
“Taking Globalization Seriously: Michigan Breaks New Ground by Requiring the Study of Transnational Law”
Mathias W. Reimann
International and Comparative Law
Michigan Bar Journal
“The Genie and the Bottle: Collateral Sources and the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund”
Kyle D. Logue
“In Defense of the Corpus Delicti Rule”
David A. Moran
Ohio State Law Journal
Review of When All Else Fails: Government as the Ultimate Risk Manager David A. Moss
William J. Novak
Business History Review
“The Sometimes-Bumpy Stream of Commerce Clause Doctrine”
Richard D. Friedman
“The First Amendment and Child Pornography: Implications for Professionals Engaged in Child Protection”
Frank E. Vandervort
Children’s Legal Rights Journal
“IFA Branch Report: United States (Trends in Company / Shareholder Taxation: Single or Double Taxation?)”
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Cahiers de droit fiscal international / Studies on International Fiscal Law
“The Growth of International Law between Globalization and the Great Power”
Anne Peters
International and Comparative Law
Austrian Review of International and European Law
“The Reliability of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Database: An Initial Empirical Analysis”
Margo Schlanger
Notre Dame Law Review
“Appraisal Processes in Emotion”
Phoebe C. Ellsworth
Handbook of Affective Sciences
“Justice Lewis F. Powell, Jr. and the Counterrevolution in the Federal Securities Laws”
Adam C. Pritchard
Corporate and Securities Law
“The Drug War on Tribal Government Employees: Adopting the Ways of the Conqueror”
Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Columbia Human Rights Law Review
“Revising the Geneva Conventions to Regulate Force by and Against Terrorists: Four Fallacies”
Steven R. Ratner
“The Enlightenment, Republicanism, and Other Ghostly Afflictions”
Don Herzog
“Litigator’s Thumbnail Guide to the WARN Act”
David A. Santacroce
Employee Rights Quarterly
“The Triangle of Culture, Inference, and Litigation System”
Richard D. Friedman
Law, Probability and Risk
“The Legal Fiction of Standardized Testing”
Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Law and Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice
“Claims to Refugee Status Based on Voluntary but Protected Actions (Discussion Paper No. 1 Advanced Refugee Law Workshop International Association of Refugee Law Judges Auckland, New Zealand, October 2002)”
James C. Hathaway
International Journal of Refugee Law
“Police Power for New Century?: Constitutional Traps and Constitutional Options Regarding Some Authoritarian Trends in Police Law”
Susanne Baer
Out of and Into Authoritarian Law
“Confrontation as a Hot Topic: The Virtues of Going Back to Square One”
Richard D. Friedman
Quinnipiac Law Review
“The Americans with Disabilities Act as Welfare Reform”
Samuel R. Bagenstos
William and Mary Law Review
“Tres vidas, una guerra Rafael Iznaga, Bárbara Pérez y Gregoria Quesada entre la emancipación y la ciudadanía”
Rebecca J. Scott
Race and the Law
Legal History
Historia y memoria: Sociedad, cultura y vida cotidiana en Cuba, 1878-1917
“National Regulation of Multinational Enterprises: An Essay on Comity, Extraterritoriality, and Harmonization”
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
“Thayerian Deference to Congress and Supreme Court Supermajority Rules: Lessons from the Past”
Evan H. Caminker
“The Causal Connection (‘Nexus’) to a Convention Ground (Discussion Paper No. 3 Advanced Refugee Law Workshop International Association of Refugee Law Judges Auckland, New Zealand, October 2002)”
James C. Hathaway
International Journal of Refugee Law