James C. Hathaway is the James E. and Sarah A. Degan Professor of Law at the University of Michigan Law School. He works in the field of public international law, with a focus on international human rights law, international queer rights, and international refugee law. Before his retirement from the teaching faculty in 2022, Hathaway served as the founding director of the Program in Refugee and Asylum Law at the University of Michigan from 1998 to 2022.
Featured Scholarship
"Claiming Queer Liberty"
Berkely Journal of International Law
- International and Comparative Law
- Human Rights
"Atle Grahl-Madsen, Founder of the Academic Discipline of Refugee Law"
Nordic Jounral of International Law
- International and Comparative Law
Preface to Protection from Refuge: From Refugee Rights to Migration Management
Protection from Refuge: From Refugee Rights to Migration Management
The Rights of Refugees Under International Law
- International and Comparative Law
- Human Rights
Delivered the training program on a new unified screening mechanism for refugees and others in need of protection, Law Society of Hong Kong.
Presented “Genocidal Intent: Responding to the Rohingya Refugee Crisis” at the New York City Bar Association and led a roundtable discussion on creative answers to current protection challenges at the UNHCR Mission to the United Nations.
Presented “The Global Cop-Out on Refugees: Why the World Needs a Bold Plan to Save Refugee Protection” at the Center for Human Rights, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
Participated in “Refugee Law Challenges: A Conversation with Professor James Hathaway,” University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Presented “The False Panacea of ‘Thin Protection’: Why We Need a Bold Plan to Save Refugee Protection” at the National University of Singapore.
Led a discussion on “The Architecture of International Refugee Law” at the National Chengchi University School of Law, Taipei, Taiwan.
Delivered the keynote address on “In Search of Asylum: An Interdisciplinary Discussion” at the Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts Weissbourd Conference, University of Chicago.
Delivered the keynote address on “Reconciling Refugee Law and Private International Law” at the Conference on Families Across Borders, Ghent University Faculty of Law, Ghent, Belgium.
Delivered the keynote address on the “Continued Relevance of the 1951 Refugee Convention” at the Emory International Law Review Symposium, Atlanta.
Participated in a panel discussion on “Detaining Refugee Children: What’s at Stake?”, Donia Human Rights Center, University of Michigan.
Presented “The False Panacea of ‘Thin’ Protection: Why We Need a Bold Plan to Save Refugee Protection” at the University of Manitoba School of Law’s Distinguished Visitors Lecture Series, Winnipeg.
Gave the keynote address at the biennial meeting of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Was a visiting professor and taught an intensive course on the Convention refugee definition and delivered a public lecture on the need for a global system of refugee burden and responsibility sharing, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Law, Slovenia.
Presented “Is There a Duty on Refugees to Avoid Risk?” to judges of the Federal Court of Australia, Melbourne.
Led a national simulcast conversation on refugee protection among members of the Australian Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Sydney.
Met with refugees encamped in Nauru by Australia, advised the government on reform of its refugee laws, and trained the judges of both the refugee tribunal and Supreme Court, Nauru.