We know our prospective law students have many questions about law school in general and about Michigan Law in particular.

We hope this FAQ can answer most of yours. In addition, during the summer and fall, we offer a number of online workshops on a variety of admissions topics that you may find useful. If you have other questions that are not answered on our website, or if you have questions about your specific circumstances, you are welcome to email the Admissions Office at [email protected] or call at 734.764.0537.

Frequently Asked Questions

Preparation for Law School

  • What should I study?

    There is no particular major or curriculum that is required for admission to or success in law school, and we find that a student body with backgrounds in a variety of disciplines adds depth and breadth to the classroom dialogue. As a result, an entering class at Michigan Law typically includes 65 or 70 different majors. The majors perennially most common in our entering classes are political science, history, economics, English, psychology, and philosophy; some atypical majors that we think provide particularly good training for law school are computer science, mathematics, engineering, and hard sciences, which make up about one-fifth of the class. Classics, seen relatively rarely, is also an excellent foundation for legal study. But pursuing a particular major simply because you think it will give you an advantage in the law school admissions process is an exercise in futility, since you are less likely to perform well in a major that doesn’t engage youand because almost all areas of study have some benefit in combination with the law.. We recommend, therefore, that you study subjects that are interesting to you. We also recommend that you take challenging courses in whatever is your chosen core field, and that you branch out and test yourself in areas outside your comfort zone. Classes that give you experience with close reading of texts, detailed analysis, logical reasoning, and extensive writing are always helpful.

  • From what schools does the University of Michigan Law School accept students?

    We accept students from a wide variety of undergraduate schools, with almost 300 distinct institutions represented in the student bodyand every year, we see 10 or so schools represented in the entering class that are brand-new to us!  While the strength of an undergraduate institution is certainly a factor we consider in the admissions process, our commitment to maintaining the excellence of our student body does not limit the wide range of educational institutions from which our students hail. There most assuredly is no accredited school whose graduates we would be unwilling to admit. (And for the record, contrary to popular belief / persistent and intractable rumor, students who attended the University of Michigan for their undergraduate studies are not at any disadvantage over students from other schools. Go Blue!)

  • In what activities should I participate? What groups should I join?

    As with majors, we have no preconceived list of “best” extracurriculars. You should pursue the areas that interest you. So, while as a general matter we like to see some evidence of involvement and engagement in something outside your studies, we have no particular preference for the type of activity (and it certainly doesn’t have to be law-related). It is helpful if your résumé gives us some sense of the nature and extent of your involvement; further, if the name of a group or organization is a little mysterious to the uninitiated (e.g., the whacky-sounding Kalamazoo Moustache Society, which actually raises money to combat domestic violence), it is helpful to describe briefly the mission or purpose.

  • Should I start law school right after completing my undergraduate studies, or should I take time off?

    It certainly isn’t necessary to take time off before law school, but if you have any hesitation about going straight through from undergrad, then you should follow that instinctlaw school will always be an option, whether you decide to apply now or years in the future. Typically, about 75% of our student body has taken at least one year after undergrad to pursue work or other studies before starting law school. Taking time off can give you the opportunity to build a professional identity, explore something outside of the law, or confirm that law is the right career path for you. And when you’re preparing your résumé for applying, please keep this in mind: If your employer does work outside of the legal field or isn’t featured regularly in news headlines, it is very helpful to give us a brief explanation of the type of work your employer does. 


  • When should I take the LSAT?

    With LSAC now offering test administrations eight times a year, you have lots of good options. It’s helpful to take the test early enough so that if something goes horribly wrong, you will have enough time to take it again prior to the admission season really heating up—that means that taking the test by November of the admissions season in which you are applying is the safest possible choice. The January exam may place you at a bit of a disadvantage if you want to begin law school in the same year, because the score will not be released until about the time of our application deadline. 

  • How old can my LSAT score be?

    LSAC will produce score reports as old as June five years prior to the admission season. So, for the 2023-24 season, a score from June 2018 is the oldest we can accept.

  • How does the Law School handle multiple LSAT scores?

    The LSAC report for an applicant who has sat for the LSAT more than once will show every score or cancellation, as well as the average score. The ABA requires law schools to report score information based on an admitted student’s highest score, and therefore, that is the score to which we give the most weight. We do, however, consider the average score as well, because data provided by the Law School Admissions Council suggests that it has the greatest predictive utility. The average score becomes less useful, though, as the disparity between two scores increases; for that reason, if you have a significant disparity between scores (six or more points), it would be very helpful to address any explanation for the difference in an optional essay or addendum. Finally, sitting for the test three or more times tends to raise questions in the minds of the reviewers; for that reason, we suggest including an explanation of the underlying circumstances. 

  • How does the Law School view canceled LSAT scores?

    While one canceled score will not raise any red flags in an application evaluation, a pattern of canceled scores may cause some concern. (For one thing, it shows that you have been exposed to the test on multiple dates, which we would expect would give you some advantage, so that subsequent score needs to be assessed with that in mind.) Depending on the circumstances, an explanation for your cancellation(s) can be helpful.

  • What if I don’t feel ready to take the LSAT?

    We, like most law school admissions offices, operate on a rolling basis, meaning that application files are reviewed in the order of their completion (although we don’t necessarily reach a decision on an application in the order in which it is read; some decisions simply take longer than others). This means that there is some advantage to applying earlier in the process (when more seats remain to be filled) rather than later. It is also true, though, that it is to your advantage to have the highest possible score on the LSAT—so you shouldn’t take the test until you’re ready for it. Applicants will need to take these competing considerations (application timing versus getting the optimal score) into account for themselves. Consider, though, that you can always reapply in a future year and overcome the disadvantage of a late application, but you cannot erase a low LSAT score.

  • If I got a low score the first time, should I retake the LSAT?

    Consider whether the potential benefits outweigh the costs (in both time and money) of retaking. If your score was significantly different from your practice tests (and you are confident that you were accurately timing yourself), and if you can identify something in particular that might have negatively affected your score the first time (e.g., you didn’t prepare; you were sick; there was a marching band outside the exam site), you should seriously consider retaking the test. In the absence of both of those factors, though, odds are that a second score will not be a substantial improvement; the vast majority of people who retake the LSAT get a score that is only a couple of points higher—or even a couple of points lower. It would probably make more sense for you to put your energy into making sure the other elements of your application are the best that they can be. Some matters to take into account when considering taking the test again: There is no statistically significant difference within plus or minus three points of any particular LSAT score, so a reviewer is unlikely to view small differences as important; although we give the most weight to the highest score, we also consider the average score (see also our discussion above, about how we treat multiple scores); and, most horrifyingly, there is always the possibility that you will receive a lower score on a subsequent test—a possibility that, statistically speaking, becomes more likely when the initial score is 165 or higher. Further, even if you obtain a higher score, retaking after you have already submitted your application may not improve your chances of admission (particularly if your retake exam is scheduled for February or later) because we use a rolling admissions process. 

    Take yes for an answer; or, you had me at 97%

  • I am retaking the LSAT. Will you hold my application for review until my new score is released?

    We do not typically hold applications while we await an applicant’s new LSAT score. If you want to ensure that we do not make a decision on your application until after we receive a new LSAT score, then you should wait to apply until about a week before your new score will be released. 

    But if you have decided to retake the LSAT after already having submitted your application, please email us at [email protected] to let us know a new score is en route, and we will add this information to your application file. If we feel that a new score could be a decision-making difference, we will set the application aside and re-review it once the new score arrives. On the other hand, if we are comfortable admitting you without seeing the new score, we will go ahead and do that; by the same token, if we think that an increased LSAT score would not alone lead to a positive outcome, we will issue a final decision before receiving the score. If that happens, you are welcome to request that we reconsider your application in light of new information. 

  • I have a learning disability that I believe would allow me to receive extra time on the LSAT. Should I apply for accommodation? Will my file be evaluated differently if I have an accommodated test score?

    If you think you may be entitled to accommodation on the LSAT, whether extra time for a learning disability or some adaptation for a physical disability, you should certainly apply to the Law School Admissions Council; instructions and a detailed FAQ are available on the LSAC website. Please be aware that the accommodation process can be time-intensive, and it would be to your benefit to apply for accommodation well in advance of when you intend to sit for the test.

    If you apply for accommodation but LSAC does not grant it, we would encourage you to provide us with any information that you think would allow us to more accurately gauge your score. Likewise, we encourage you to provide us with any information about your disability that you think is relevant to an evaluation of your academic background, work history, or any other element of your admissions materials.


  • How do I request information about the Law School?
  • How should I send in my application?

    You should apply electronically via the LSAC FlexApp. As you complete the FlexApp, it can be useful to refer to our annotated screenshots of the FlexApp questions, where we provide guidance on the information we are hoping to elicit. 

    Annotated Application (pdf)

  • What supporting materials need to be submitted with my application?

    We need a completed application (that is, the filled-out FlexApp together with a résumé), the LSAC report (with transcripts from all colleges and universities you have attended, LSAT scores, and recommendation(s) if using LSAC’s Recommender Service), personal statement, optional essays (if any), recommendation(s) (if sending directly to us rather than via LSAC), and application fee ($75) or fee waiver. Note: one recommendation is required, but three are allowed and suggested. If there is any information in your application you wish to clarify—for example, your undergraduate record or gaps in employment—you may submit that information in the “Attachments” section under “Addendum.” You may submit as many addenda as you need.

  • Does Michigan offer application fee waivers? If so, how can I get one?

    We offer several types of application fee waivers. First, we give application fee waivers through LSAC’s Candidate Referral Service (CRS). These fee waivers are sent to highly qualified applicants who have registered for CRS, and will appear automatically in the application checkout on LSAC. (We send letters and emails to recipients to make them aware they’ve been selected.) 

    We also waive the application fees of candidates who meet any of the bulleted criteria below: 

    • U.S. military members and veterans 
    • Corps members and alumni of City Year, AmeriCorps, and Teach for America
    • Applicants who demonstrate financial need (including any candidates who receive a need-based LSAC Fee Waiver) 

    If you meet any of the criteria listed above, please complete our online fee waiver application to verify your status and request a fee waiver. 

    Fee Waiver Application

  • How are foreign transcripts processed? What is the LSAC Credential Assembly Service?

    Foreign transcripts for postsecondary work outside the United States (including its territories) or Canada should be submitted through the LSAC Credential Assembly Service. For international undergraduate work, a Foreign Credential Evaluation will be compiled by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, which will be incorporated into your CAS report. To get started, log in to your online account and follow the instructions for registering for the service. Be sure to print out a Transcript Request form for each institution and send it promptly to them. Questions about the Credential Assembly Service can be directed to LSAC at 215.968.1001 or LSACinfo@LSAC.org.

    Be aware that there can be significant delays in processing foreign transcript requests.

    If you completed foreign work through a study abroad, consortium, or exchange program sponsored by a U.S. or Canadian institution, and the work is clearly indicated as such on your home campus transcript, then you do not need to provide copies of the foreign transcript.

  • When should I apply?

    We begin accepting applications for first-year admissions by September 1, and we begin making decisions around early November. Our Early Decision deadline is November 15, and all application componentsincluding letters of recommendation and the LSAC reportmust be received by the Admissions Office by that date. (One exception: In some years, scores from the October LSAT sitting do not arrive until after November 15so long as you have submitted everything else, the LSAT timing will not be a problem.) Our regular decision deadline is February 29.

    Our rolling admissions process (in which applications are reviewed as they are completed and decisions are made on a continuous basis) means that there is some advantage to applying earlier in the season rather than later.  Butwe find that in general applicants tend to overestimate the extent of this advantage! You should certainly not rush to apply in order to meet a self-imposed deadline; timing is just one small factor in the process, and you are far, far better off making sure your application materials are as strong as you can make them rather than submitting your application before you are truly comfortable. Further, there is absolutely, positively no advantage to applying in the beginning of September as opposed to the end of October, given that we don’t even begin making offers until November. In fact, we historically have found that a larger percentage of the people to whom we make offers applied in November or December rather than in September or October! Finally, while there is a bit of an advantage to applying before the New Year, even in that case, about 20% of our admitted students apply after that. Sotake a breath, and apply when you can. 

    Early Decision Option

  • Is it okay to apply before I’ve taken the LSAT?

    While we can’t review your application without an LSAT score, it is perfectly acceptable—indeed, a good idea!—to send the application and other materials as soon as you comfortably are able. That way, the rest of your application file can be processed and prepared while we wait for your score, and your application can be completed and submitted for review immediately after scores are released.

  • Should I reapply if I was denied in a previous admissions season?

    Please be assured that your previous application does not place you at any disadvantage. You are on equal footing with all of the applicants in this admissions cycle. To reapply, you must submit a new application and re-register with LSAC, even if you are not retaking the LSAT, so that we can order a new Law School Report for you. If you completed any additional coursework since your previous application, new transcripts should be sent to LSAC. You must submit all required materials (that is, essays, resume, any addenda) with your new application even if the content has not changed, but if there is something in your previous application that you’d like us to pay particular attention to, please note that in an addendum to your application. 

    Reapplication Tips  

    Application Review 


  • What should I write about in my personal statement/optional essays?

    The personal statement is your chance to give a brief monologue to the file readers, so the best judgment about a topic is necessarily yours—only you can know what is most relevant about your background for purposes of admission to law school. To quote our application, “There is no formula for a successful personal statement, and different individuals will find different topics to be well-suited to them.” Spend some time thinking about what it is that you would tell an admissions officer if you had ten minutes of undivided attention—perhaps about what led you to law school, about unusual challenges you’ve overcome, about your religious, political, cultural, or sexual identity, about unusual experiences or travel, or simply why you’d be an interesting person to have in the class. Whatever topic you choose, your statement will be evaluated on both content and construction, so your goal should be to write about something interesting and write about it well.

    And while it is certainly not necessary to have an explicit statement about “… and this is why I want to go to law school,” you should nonetheless bear in mind that since getting admitted to law school is the goal, that question is one you should implicitly address.  We also offer nine optional essay topics, from which you can choose to write up to two additional essays, in order that our decision will be based on as much information about you as possible. These essays are truly optional, and many people are admitted without submitting additional essays beyond the personal statement; at the same time, we often find that they add extremely helpful depth and perspective.

    Personal Statement 

    The 99%

    Optional Essays 

  • If I reveal something confidential in my application, how confidential will it really be?

    During the admissions stage, the only people to see applications are members of the Admissions Office, all of whom understand the importance of and are accustomed to keeping the contents of the files confidential. Unless you check the box of our application asking us not to, however, we will often pass on to particular student groups the names and contact information of admitted applicants who have self-identified as being potential members of those groups. Admitted applicants who self-identify as African American, therefore, may be contacted by the Black Law Students Association, admitted women applicants may be contacted by the Women Law Students Association, and so on. 

    If you are admitted and you matriculate, your application file will be transferred to the Records Office. The privacy of current students, however, is protected under federal law by Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. § 1232g.

  • Is it okay to submit a letter of recommendation from an employer? What about from a teaching assistant?

    We require only one letter of recommendation for your application to be considered complete, but we suggest that you submit up to three. (In general, we find that submitting more than three tends to result in unhelpful repetition of information—but that said, of course, additional letters may make sense in an individual case.) For most applicants, an academic recommendation is the most useful. It can be from an undergraduate or a graduate institution, and it need not be from a professor. The best advice is to select recommenders who know you the best and can speak in the most detail about your potential contribution, and for many candidates, that recommender will be a teaching assistant or graduate student instructor. We also find it very useful to hear from employers or others who have supervised your work (whether in a volunteer or for-pay capacity). For some candidates, a helpful recommender might be more idiosyncratic, such as a coach. Recommendations we usually find unhelpful are those from people who have themselves attained impressive accomplishments but who have little detailed knowledge of the candidate, and those from relatives, who may know the candidate quite intimately but—we naturally attribute a certain bias.

    Letters of Recommendation 

    Snagging that perfect letter of recommendation

  • I’ve submitted my application, but I just realized my résumé/essay contains an error! How can I fix this?

    We know this feeling all too well; admissions officers are human, too, and we understand that even the most eagle-eyed proofreaders can miss a typo or two. Please rest assured that small errors will not dash your chance of admission, and chances are that you can leave it alone; our reviewers will simply brush off the error—or they might not even notice it!

    However, if you believe the error is truly glaring or if you’d like peace of mind, you can email an addendum to [email protected] to identify the error you’d like to correct. Please be aware that we cannot substitute or remove materials that have already been submitted; we can only supplement.

  • How do I update my application after I’ve submitted it?

    We always appreciate when our applicants keep in touch throughout the cycle! The method for updating depends on what’s new. Some updates are automatic: LSAC automatically sends us our applicants’ new LSAT scores and updated transcripts (as long as you’ve sent your most recent transcript to them!). Other updates, such as new essays or addenda, should be emailed to us directly. If you would like to update something that you’ve already submitteda corrected essay or résumé for exampleyou should also email us directly, but it is helpful if you describe your changes or highlight them in the document. (Please note that we can’t replace or substitute with new material; we can only supplement.) Finally, new letters of recommendation can be either submitted through LSAC’s service or emailed to us directly from the recommender. 


  • I know I’m a Michigan resident; why does your office think I’m not?

    If you mark “yes” for in-state tuition on your application and we send you an email telling you that you have to apply for it, it doesn’t mean the Admissions Office thinks you’re not eligible. All it means is that something in your record has triggered, under preset criteria, a need for you to apply. We understand this can be frustrating for people who have no doubt that they qualify, but the In-State Tuition Guidelines are complex and comprehensive, and in order to ensure that they are fairly implemented, review of additional information by the experts in the Residency Classification Office is required in many cases—perhaps because you have been employed outside the state, or because you attended a college outside the state, or for one of many other possible reasons.

    The guidelines and application can be found on the Office of Regsistrar site, or you’re welcome to contact the Residency Classification Office with your questions, in person or by mail at 1210 LSA Building, 500 South State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1382, by email at [email protected], or by telephone at 734.764.1400. The office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.

    Be assured that your JD application will not be held or delayed during the residency classification process. While you should apply for in-state tuition as soon as you can, we do not wait for the official determination to review your JD application; we just give you the benefit of the doubt.

Admissions Procedure

  • How many applications do you receive and what is the size of the incoming class?

    We typically receive about 6000 applications for a target entering class of 300-320.

  • I have an LSAT of X, and a GPA of Y. What are my chances of admission?

    Because we receive so many highly competitive applications and base our decisions on a wide variety of factors, it is impossible to judge an individual applicant’s chances of admission based simply on the metrics. Even if we have all of the relevant information for an applicant, admissions decisions are made within the context of the entire applicant pool—and we receive about 5500-6000 applications for a target class of 300-320. That said, the median LSAT score for the 2023 entering class was 171 and the 25th and 75th percentiles for the class were 165 and 172, respectively. The median GPA was 3.85 with the 25th and 75th percentiles at 3.64 and 3.92, respectively. 

    Medians and “Preventive”

  • If you sent me an invitation to apply, am I more likely to be accepted?

    We send invitations to apply only to those people who, through the information they provide to LSAC’s Candidate Referral Service, seem like they would be competitive applicants. However, the information we have available to us through the Candidate Referral Service is limited: LSAT, GPA, major, undergraduate institution, and so forth. An invitation to apply cannot be a guarantee of admission because, as described above, we take many other factors into account that are not reflected in the summary data provided by CRS. Historically, however, receiving an invitation does indicate a somewhat greater likelihood of admission.

    Bear in mind that it’s very difficult, for you or for us, to estimate your chances of admission (and that, as they say in the stock market, past performance is not a guarantee of future results). Typically, more than half of our applicant pool has numbers that are at or above our median scores for the previous year’s incoming class, which is almost three times the number of people we can actually admit. Consider, too, that “the numbers” are merely a starting point for our evaluation of which candidates will make up the best possible entering class. If you want to increase your chances of admission, please take care with your application, and be sure to provide us with all the relevant information you can about your experiences, activities, and background and how you might be a good fit for our community.

    Doing my bit for the country

  • Does the University of Michigan have an early decision program?

    We have a binding Early Decision program; by applying to it, you agree to come if we make you an offer. For a fuller discussion, complete with deadlines, please click on the button below.

    Early Decision Option

    Applying Early Decision

  • How long will it take for me to get a decision?

    We often get semi-frantic emails and calls from people who are concerned that their applications are not complete, or that their failure already to have received a decision spells certain doom. In an effort to allay some of these fears, we provide this detailed guide to what goes on in the Admissions Office once we receive your application materials, and what you can expect in terms of timing.

    First, when we receive the initial application materials from you, we immediately send you an email letting you know we’ve received them. This email does not mean that the application is complete, but it also doesn’t mean it’s not complete. It simply means we’ve received your initial materials. We then begin processing your application, which involves checking our files to see whether we have already received some submission from you or from your recommenders in advance of the actual application, retrieving your CAS report, performing considerable and time-consuming data entry,  and preparing comment sheets for the readers. This takes a fair amount of time for each applicant, and it is not unusual for us to receive 150-200 applications a day, particularly in December and January.

    You will receive an email from our office about a week after we receive your application, with your University of Michigan ID and a link to our Online Status Check. Once we have received and processed all your materials, we mark your application as complete, and our Online Status Check registers the status change. Those applications are parceled out for a first read, and then a second read. An application might receive a decision immediately or may proceed to further review. We are cautious in our decisions, either to admit or to deny, and do not like to proceed hastily. While we’re sensitive to the stress law school applicants are under, we take our responsibility of composing a top-notch class extremely seriously, and that is to your benefit; you can be assured your application materials are receiving a thorough review.

    As a general proposition, we make roughly 40 offers most weeks between November and February. We aggregate denial and waitlist decisions and then begin sending weekly in January for denials, and in February for waitlist invitations. We delay sending those decisions until we have had the chance to review a significant portion of our applications. 

    Online Status Check

  • How is my application evaluated?

    We view our student body as one of our greatest assets, and our goal is to admit a group of students who, individually and collectively, are among the best applying to American law schools in a given year. We seek a mix of students with varying backgrounds and experiences, who will respect and learn from each other. Our most general measures are an applicant’s LSAT score and undergraduate GPA, and, as measured by those statistics, Michigan is among the handful of the most selective law schools in the country. However, each of these measures is far from definitive. Even the highest possible scores will not guarantee admission, and quite low scores will, likewise, not automatically result in a denial, as both circumstances may have significant offsetting considerations. We evaluate the strength of the personal statement and recommendations, the rigor of an applicant’s undergraduate curriculum, significant work and life experiences, and community involvement, among other things. 

    Michigan Law’s Admissions Policy

  • Why does your application include a question about immediate family member(s) who attended Michigan Law?

    While being the relative of a Law School graduate—aka being a “legacy”— does not create a preference in our admissions process, we do find that context useful in understanding an applicant’s interest in the Law School. The Law School may also, on occasion, use that information in order to communicate with a given alumnus/ae after an admissions decision is made.

    Legacy Admissions

  • How does residency affect my chances of admission?

    While Michigan residency is a factor in admissions, it plays only a small part in our decision-making process. We are a public institution, but we are also highly selective. We are fortunate enough to receive so many highly qualified applicants from Michigan that our incoming classes are composed of about 20 percent in-state residents. Our office makes only preliminary determinations of residency based on the answers that you provide in your application and the guidelines given by the University; if you have detailed questions about residency guidelines, please contact the University of Michigan’s Residency Classification Office at 734.764.1400 or [email protected]

  • Are interviews part of the admissions process? If not, why not?

    While evaluative interviews are not a part of our process, our admissions counselors are happy to meet with you and answer any questions you may have about the Law School or the admissions process. We also occasionally contact applicants to get clarification about certain elements of an application. We choose not to interview because social science research suggests that interviews offer no information helpful to the decision-making process; further, anecdotal evidence suggests that many fantastic and talented people do not always make a great first impression, particularly if the meeting takes place under the stressful circumstances of an evaluative interview. Interviews also present opportunities for discrimination on the basis of academically irrelevant personal characteristics, which we would prefer to avoid. And, to tell the truth: Dean Zearfoss is a bit of a control freak and doesn’t like the idea of delegating the interviews.

    It is worth noting that schools that do employ interviews typically do so not because it enhances their selection of candidates, but because it enhances their ability to select people who are committed to attending the institution. In other words, they believe that if you are willing to attend an interview, you are much more likely to attend the school if you are admitted.

  • I applied in September, and now it’s February, but I haven’t received an answer. What is going on?

    You went to great lengths to apply early in our season, and now you’re disappointed—or, well, irritated—that you haven’t received an answer yet. We understand how you feel, but we nonetheless ask for your patience. Once the Online Status Checker shows that your application is complete, your application is reviewed within a week by a first reader, and is then sent on to a second reader—but even after getting two people’s input, we can’t always make a decision right away. Simply put, some decisions are more difficult than others. A delay doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten about you; it just means we have a lot of applications to read and decisions to make. We routinely and frequently review the files of applicants for whom we couldn’t make an immediate decision, in an effort to balance our sensitivity to your stress levels—which, honestly, we are very conscious of!—with our mission of making the best possible decisions.

    Chill lemur speaks

  • If my numbers are above your medians and you don’t admit me, doesn’t that mean that you’re “yield protecting” (i.e., you didn’t admit me because you’re sure I wouldn’t come)?

    Such questions deeply underestimate the confidence of this Admissions Office, which tends to assume that everyone who is admitted to Michigan Law will want to come to Michigan Law. Okay, okay, we know—not everyone comes, and people who are admitted to lots of other top law schools are the ones least likely to come. But if this yield-protection allegation were true, then we’ve been implementing our nefarious plans very poorly; every year, the school with which we have the highest overlap for admitted candidates is Harvard. Bottom line, we never deny someone because we think, by virtue of their LSAT and GPA, that they will be unlikely to accept our offer of admission. Like all top law schools, we simply receive far more applications from prospective students with high numbers than we could possibly admit—and we look at many, many factors apart from the numbers. No matter how strong a candidate you are numerically, it is worth putting effort into your application to ensure that you are portraying yourself as well as possible.

    Yield Protection: myth or reality? Or a little of both? 

Transfer Students

  • How do I apply as a transfer student?

    The law school accepts transfer students for the fall semester only, and applications for transfer students are accepted between May 1 and July 14. Candidates for transfer admission must have completed the equivalent of the first year of law school (at least 28 credits). They must complete the application and provide five items: a complete first-year transcript; if that transcript does not include class rank, a letter indicating the applicant’s class rank; the first page of the applicant’s CAS report; a letter of good standing from the dean; and a letter of recommendation from a professor at their current law school. 

    Transfer and Visiting Students 

Student Life

  • What can I do on a visit to the Law School?

    If you are planning a visit to the Law School, we would be happy to help arrange a tour and individual appointment with an admissions counselor. You are also able to sit in on some specially designated classes throughout the academic year. Please refer to this page for more details about scheduling a visit:

    Visit Michigan Law 

  • Do a lot of law students come straight from their undergraduate institutions?

    Typically, three-fourths of our student body spend one or more years working or volunteering before enrolling in the Law School; most take five or fewer years off.

  • What was the average age of the 1L class?

    The mean age of the 2023 entering class is 24.7; ages range from 20 to 44. 

  • Where do law students live?

    Michigan Law students have numerous on-campus and off-campus housing options. Typically, a little less than half of the first-year class chooses to live on campus in the Lawyers Club, which is right next to the Law School’s academic buildings. The Lawyers Club offers furnished single rooms with private or semi-private bathrooms, and a meal plan is included in the resident fee. The Lawyers Club offers an academic-year lease, which concludes after final exams in May, and room and board charges appear on the same billing statement as tuition charges, which means that funds from merit scholarships, need-based aid, and federal student loans can be conveniently applied to cover the cost of living in the Lawyers Club.

    Another on-campus option is our graduate and family housing on North Campuscalled Northwood Community Apartmentswhich is just a short, free bus ride away from the Law School. Also, Munger Graduate Residences are a unique option for graduate students from all University of Michigan programs and combines the convenience of single bedrooms and private bathrooms with an interdisciplinary program designed to foster community. 

    Almost all 2L’s and 3L’s live off campus in apartments and houses, most within walking distance of the Law School. The University’s Off-Campus Housing Office has an extensive website that includes listings of apartments, rooms, co-ops, parking spaces, and a roommate matching service. It also includes maps and a list of landlords and management companies who have met certain criteria for inclusion. 

    Law students also have the option of living at the Kent Inn House of Phi Delta Phi, known as the Phid House, which is very affordable and just a block from the law school. 


  • Are most Michigan Law students from the Midwest?

    Our students come from all over the country and all over the world. About 20 percent come from Michigan and another 20 percent or so come from the other 11 states that compose the Midwest. A majority of our students come from the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, and West Coast.


  • What is Ann Arbor like?

    Ann Arbor is an exciting and vibrant city of about 120,000. Because it is, in many respects, the quintessential “university town,” it offers many businesses and services geared towards students’ needs, therefore making it a great place to be a student. Yet Ann Arbor is also remarkably sophisticated, offering a plethora of cultural activities—theatre, dance, popular and classical music, films—as well as restaurants specializing in a wide variety of cuisines, innumerable coffee shops, and bookstores. And, of course, the sports venues—both college and professional—are unsurpassed. Athletes, in addition to spectators, will love what Ann Arbor can offer in terms of running, canoeing, cross-country skiing, and workout facilities. If you’re moving to Ann Arbor with family, the city has great public schools as well as parks and an award-winning public library.

    Some useful websites to introduce you to Ann Arbor are:

  • What about the weather?

    It is our impression that, perhaps due to some fundamental geographic confusion, many people imagine the weather in Ann Arbor to be much worse than it actually is. Protestations from us, however, end up sounding a bit pathetic. So instead, we say judge for yourself—check out the average temperatures and snowfall in Ann Arbor, Boston, New York and Chicago. And bear in mind: It’s always a balmy 70 degrees in the library.

  • What time zone is Ann Arbor in?

    We are at the western edge of the Eastern time zone, so we have the same time as our friends on the East Coast, but it is light for about an hour later in the evening—a particularly welcome fact during December afternoons.

Undocumented Students and DACA

  • If I am undocumented, can I be considered for admission?

    The University of Michigan generally, and the Law School in particular, are committed to supporting undocumented and DACA students. All undocumented individuals are eligible for admission to any degree program at the Law School. When you are completing the FlexApp, for “U.S. Visa type, if any,” simply write “none” or “N/A.”

  • What about financial support?

    Undocumented applicants are eligible to apply for a fee waiver based on financial need. (For information about application fee waivers, please see the answer to “Does Michigan offer application fee waivers? If so, how can I get one?” earlier in this FAQ.) All undocumented admitted students will be considered automatically for merit-based awards and are also welcome to apply for need-based grants, regardless of whether they have been granted DACA status. In addition, applicants who meet specific criteria (such as attending school in Michigan, and graduating from a Michigan high school) may also qualify for in-state tuition through the Residency Classification Office.

  • Do you have any other resources you can point me to?

    Here is a list of external resources that may be some help:

    • United We Dream is the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation and seeks to address the inequities and obstacles faced by immigrant youth. They believe that by empowering immigrant youth, they can advance the cause of the entire community—justice for all immigrants. United We Dream also runs programs to advocate for access to higher education, stop the deportations of undocumented youth and their parents, and strengthen alliances and support for DREAMers at the intersection of queer and immigrant rights.
    • MyDocumentedLife.org is dedicated to providing up-to-date information and resources for undocumented immigrants. Here, you will find the latest on scholarship opportunities, immigration news, strategies to navigate the educational system, and more.
    • TheDream.US is a multimillion dollar National Scholarship Fund for DREAMers, created to help immigrant youth who’ve received DACA achieve their American Dream through the completion of a college education.
    • Immigrants Rising is dedicated to empowering undocumented people to pursue their dreams of college, career, and citizenship in the United States. They provide direct support, leadership and career development, community outreach and education, creative expression, and advocacy.
    • U.S. Department of Education: Resource Guide Supporting Undocumented Youth: A Guide for Success in Secondary and Postsecondary Settings.

International Students

COVID-19 Questions

  • Will I be penalized for having P/F grades in the Winter/Spring 2020 term?

    Absolutely not—whether because your school has mandated pass/fail across the board for every class, or because your school has allowed professors to choose the grading for individual classes, or because your school has employed an optional P/F system (at the University of Michigan, undergrad grades for the Winter 2020 semester were presumptively P/F, but a student could choose to “unmask” the grade), or because there is some other system out there we don’t know about; whether you have a single P/F designation or a semesterful of them. First, we are absolutely mindful of the stresses—the uncertainty and adversity—you were likely undergoing. Thus, whether you opted for P/F grades or your school made that choice for you, we fully understand that the surrounding circumstances made P/F an absolutely appropriate outcome.

    Bear in mind that there are excellent schools in this country that never use letter grades, and their graduates routinely get admitted to law school!

  • I was counting on the Winter/Spring 2020 term to bring my GPA up, and I couldn’t do so.

    Whether you weren’t able to produce a semester of stellar grades because everything became P/F or you still had letter grades but just weren’t able to perform in March and April the way you did in January and February, please remember that grades are but one factor among many, and one semester’s grades are but one-eighth of that one factor. They simply are never make or break.

    Bottom line, it would be the woefully incompetent admissions person who would let a single semester of grades earned under—oh, we hate to use this phrase for the 10,000th time, but here we go—unprecedented circumstances be treated as a critical factor in the scope of an entire law school application.

  • What about the people who have grades, while I will only have P/F to show? How can I possibly compete?

    We completely understand this mindset, but please allow us to assure you that this isn’t how law school admissions work: We don’t take two applicants and compare them head to head. Moreover, again, grades are but one factor in any school’s holistic admissions process, and one semester is only one-eighth of that factor. We have yet to see a candidate for whom our decision hinged, for good or for ill, on a single semester of grades. Finally, please remember that the students at [the relatively small number of] schools where there wasn’t a change of grading were still going through all the strain of the pandemic, just like the rest of us. It is unlikely that there were many people viewing this time as a golden opportunity to increase their GPAs relative to students at other schools.

  • I won’t be applying for several more years. Will you actually still remember what it was like during the pandemic when all this is long over?

    Why yes, actually, we think we will; we feel pretty confident that we will remember this period for many, many years to come! But no need to trust the imperfections of human memory. The Law School Admissions Council will be including, in perpetuity, a note with any Law School Report that has a transcript from this term, reminding reviewers of the circumstances. Further, many (if not most) colleges will have a designation on the transcript itself.

  • I hear what you’re saying about grades not being make-or-break, but my circumstances during the pandemic were truly awful, and I want to be able to provide context. How can I do that?

    If you want to share your circumstances, you are welcome to provide an addendum. (In fact, in general, we routinely invite applicants to explain why their application metrics—LSAT and/or undergraduate GPA—are not reflective of their abilities.) Our advice is to make this about a paragraph, and as dispassionate as possible—trying to attain some emotional distance, and keeping it brief, will let you provide the most clarity. Your goal is to add critical context, but not to make this the centerpiece of your application. Remember, too, that there will be many, many heartbreaking stories from this period; if possible, demonstrate your recognition of that perspective.

    For those of you who aren’t inclined to share: You certainly shouldn’t feel compelled to. Be true to your own instincts.

  • I had a great job lined up for after graduation in 2020, and I was laid off. Will this have a negative impact on my application?

    This is familiar territory for those of us who were reading applications in 2008 and years immediately following: It was harder for everyone, but particularly recent college grads, to find gainful employment. We expect to see that, and do account for it in our process. If you were in that situation, your job is to make clear in your application—either on the resume or separately in a brief addendum—what you were doing with your time. Looking for a job, volunteering at a nonprofit, helping out a family member, learning some new skill, perfecting an old one? Help us understand how you spent your time, and have confidence that we aren’t viewing the lack of paid employment during that time as a mark against you.


July 24, 2024: Our incoming class enrollment has continued to remain stable, and we are closely reviewing the waitlist and releasing candidates who indicated they would not be able to stay on the waitlist past July or for whom we have concluded we cannot make an offer. Our goal is to reduce the waitlist to a small core of people who have expressed a willingness to remain under consideration through our Orientation in late August. 

We are well aware that participating in a waitlist can be a very trying process, and we truly appreciate your patience. We will keep you updated on this page about our plans and progress throughout the season. As always, you are welcome to contact us with questions or for additional information by emailing [email protected].

Meanwhile, in our FAQ below, we have done our best to answer all the questions we can anticipate. Immediately preceding the FAQ is our “executive summary,” distilling our advice. 

Executive Summary 

  • Substantive updates, additional application materials (such as essays or letters of recommendation), letters of continued interest, or even a one-liner email saying “I’m still interested in Michigan Law!” are welcome at [email protected]
  • It is particularly helpful to be in touch the week leading up to a deposit deadline (April 30 and June 15). Because those dates are pressure points for decision-making by our already-admitted students, they traditionally are times when we see more waitlist activity. Note, however, that we often make small numbers of offers at other times throughout the summer, in response to one-off withdrawals or deferral requests—and occasionally reach out as late as the first day of orientation (August 19) in the event that we have unexpected no-shows. 
  • If offered admission, you’ll have to make your decision relatively quickly: within two weeks, or even less as we approach orientation. We recommend preparing questions in advance and knowing your own deal breakers regarding the issues that are most important to you (e.g., financial aid, moving to Ann Arbor, securing housing). 


  • Why do you have a waitlist?

    Every year, we use historical data to predict how many offers we need to make in order to fill the class—but unfortunately, historical data are imperfect predictors. We maintain a waitlist in order to cushion ourselves from these unanticipated vagaries in response rates.

  • When do people get offers? When does the greatest movement from the waitlist usually occur? When will you make waitlist decisions?

    We have no set timeframe for making waitlist decisions, because we may learn of unexpected withdrawals at any time between May and August that require us to fill a seat. (We do not anticipate making any offers to waitlisted candidates prior to late April.) That said, important triggers are our two deposit deadlines, April 30 and June 15. Shortly after both of those dates, we have much more solid data about how many students plan to join us, and we accordingly use that information to make offers and/or to release people from the waitlist.

  • How can I increase my chances of getting an offer? What should I do to let you know that I am interested? Is there anything I can do to make myself a stronger candidate?

    While it’s not in any way necessary to contact us on a frequent basis, indicating continuing interest and availability is a good way to stand out when you’re on a waitlist. If you receive any new honors, awards, or grades, or get a new job or a promotion or take on a volunteer position, we would love to know about it. If you look at your application and realize there may be questions left unanswered (gaps in employment, for example), submitting clarifying information can be helpful. If you would like to have an additional letter of recommendation submitted, that can be helpful as well. If nothing in your life has changed, but you want to indicate your ongoing interest, that alone can be noteworthy; feel free to send us an email. Again, because of the time constraints inherent in a waitlist, the last thing we want is to make a call to someone who is no longer interested in being called. (To that end, if at any point you decide you are no longer interested in being considered, we would greatly appreciate your letting us know that.)

  • Why can’t you make all your waitlist decisions early in the summer, which would allow people more time to plan?

    Again, while we have historical data about how many people typically withdraw or request deferrals, each year tends to be its own special situation. In other words, one challenge in administering a waitlist is the amount of uncertainty and unpredictability in the admissions process.

  • When is the latest I would receive an offer?

    We try to be very sensitive to your need to finalize your law school plans, but it is always possible that we will have unexpected no-shows at the time of orientation, and that we may therefore call waitlist participants as late as orientation (this year, August 19). (If everyone we expect to have join us comes to orientation, we release all remaining waitlist participants immediately by email.) For what it’s worth, please remember that ultimately, control is in your hands. You should withdraw from consideration whenever you pass the point where the potential benefit of being admitted is not worth the cost of the uncertainty and stress.

  • How large is the waitlist? How do you decide to whom to make an offer? Is the waitlist rank-ordered? Is the waitlist broken into priority groups or tiers?

    We do not invite anyone to join our waitlist unless we think they would be an excellent addition to our incoming class. Our initial set of waitlist invitations is broad, but a large number of candidates decide not to participate in the waitlist process. The number of people on the waitlist is never static, however, because applicants are still choosing whether to participate through late May, and/or withdrawing their names from consideration throughout the summer. To ensure the waitlist is a realistic size, we release candidates throughout the summer as it becomes clear that we will not be able to give them offers. Finally, because we consider the waitlist holistically whenever we make offers, it is not ranked or tiered.

  • How likely is it that I will receive an offer? How many people will get an offer?

    When making offers to waitlisted applicants, we evaluate our waitlist pool in much the same holistic way we approach our overall applicant pool—taking all application factors into account. But as far as likelihood goes, the waitlist experience can vary enormously; in recent years, we’ve made a low of 5 offers and a high of 83. So—we cannot make any predictions of any particular waitlisted applicant’s chances of getting an offer.

  • If you are considering making an offer, how will you communicate with me? Will you call me, email me, send me a letter?

    Since time is of the essence in the waitlist process, for both applicants and Admissions, we will attempt to reach you by telephone. (We will also follow up by email.) If we do not reach you and do not hear back from you within 24 hours, it is likely that we will need to move on to another applicant.

  • I will be outside of the US, traveling, etc. Would this be a problem if you try to reach me? Can I leave my mom/dad/roommate in charge of handling things in my absence? Do I need to do anything formal to give permission for them to act on my behalf?

    When we call to make offers to waitlisted candidates, we are working within difficult time constraints, so yes, it will be a problem if we can’t reach you. If you find yourself in this situation and do not want to risk missing a call from us, please call or email so we can discuss your particular circumstances. If you do not make arrangements with us, it is unlikely that we will be able to make you an offer of admission.

  • I’d like to submit another letter of recommendation. Do I need to go through LSAC?

    In the interest of time, your recommender is welcome to send their letter to us directly, either via regular mail or email ([email protected]). It’s not necessary to have the letter processed by LSAC, though you are certainly welcome to do so.

  • Will you interview me?

    We do not perform evaluative interviews of any applicant, even those on the waitlist. 

  • Should waitlisted candidates visit?

    We’re sensitive to the fact that travel-related expenses may be a burden for some, so please do not feel like you need to visit, especially if the sole purpose of your visit is to express your interest in attending. As it happens, our reviewers find emails expressing interest to be more effective than visits, because our waitlist files are reviewed by multiple staff members and there is just no substitute for our reviewers reading candidates’ own words about why they wish to attend Michigan Law.

    On the other hand, if you are comfortable traveling and you are unfamiliar with this area, it can be a good idea to visit when the purpose of your visit would be to see Ann Arbor and the Law Quad to help you to decide whether you are interested in remaining on the waitlist. You can register for a tour of the Law School on our website

  • Will you provide any information about the waitlist on your website?

    Absolutely. We will provide frequent updates on this page.

  • Now that I have been waitlisted, can I contact the Financial Aid office to start gathering some numbers?

    Candidates who receive offers from the waitlist receive consideration for grants on exactly the same terms as those admitted earlier in the season; you will receive information about any financial aid award at or shortly after the time an offer is made. There is no need to submit any information or paperwork (e.g., the FAFSA) in advance.

  • If I’m on the waitlist and Michigan Law is my first choice, should I withdraw from other law schools and reapply next year?

    This is a very risky strategy, because it is impossible to know now whether next year will be more or less competitive than this year. If you feel that you put your application together in a hurry, or applied at the last minute, or did poorly on the LSAT because you didn’t prepare or were sick, then it’s quite possible that you could submit a much stronger application in a subsequent year and be admitted; that is not an uncommon occurrence. But alternatively, you might end up with the same outcome, or even with a denial, simply because the subsequent year could be even more competitive. We recommend that you talk with a prelaw advisor at your undergraduate institution for some counseling about your options. 


  • I was on the waitlist, but not offered admission. Will that help or hurt my chances if I apply as a transfer student?

    The fact that you were offered a spot on our waitlist means you were a competitive applicant. Participating in our waitlist process will in no way harm your chances for future transfer admissions, and would in fact be viewed as a positive consideration. 

  • I’m currently accepted at schools A and B. Will informing you that other schools want me help my candidacy at Michigan Law?

    If you are on our waitlist, we are already well aware that you are an appealing candidate with much to admire; telling us that other schools also think that will not affect your outcome here. 

  • If I get an offer from the waitlist, how much time will I be given to accept or decline?

    It depends on the timing of the offer, but in general, we try to allow those receiving an offer one to two weeks in which to respond. If we’re calling you any time after early August, however, we may have to ask for a shorter response timeand if we’re calling you on the first day of orientation, we’ll have to ask you for an immediate answer. 

  • If I get an offer from the waitlist, can I still defer?

    If you know you want to defer and enter in a later year, we would encourage you to email us at l[email protected] and let us know; we may be able to make you a deferral offer for the next year’s entering class. (We typically make about 10 such offers a year.) Please don’t request a deferral unless you feel certain that beginning at Michigan a year from now is your first choice for your legal education; it is our policy that a deferral is binding, and because we have a limited number of slots for deferred admission, we need to get an answer from you in a relatively short amount of time—which means you won’t have a lot of time for a visit or similar investigation. Also, please don’t wait to let us know about your interest in deferring until we call you with an offer for this year’s entering class; because our priority at that time will be filling our current needs, the answer to your deferral request is much more likely to be no. 

    To be clear, a deferral offer would be in lieu of an offer for this year’s entering class; you cannot receive and accept a deferral offer from us and still continue to be considered for admission—once you have accepted our deferral offer, we would remove you from consideration for this year’s class. Please note, too, that if you request a deferral, you need to provide us with details of what you plan to do during your deferral year. 

    Sometimes our waitlisted applicants are on the fence about deferring: They have an option for something interesting to do during a deferral year, but in an ideal world, would prefer to begin law school right away. Should they ask for a deferral or not? If you find yourself in that situation after our second deposit deadline of June 15 has passed (when we will have more information about what our immediate waitlist needs are likely to be), please feel free to email us if you think we can be a helpful counseling resource. We’d be happy to talk to you about the pros and cons of making the request. 

    Finally, if you request a deferral but are not granted one, we will still consider you for admission for the current year if you remain interested.