Getting Started
Before you Arrive
Obtain a Laptop
Use our recommended laptop specifications as a guide.
Students considering eventually joining one of the journals at the Law School should be advised that a Windows-based laptop will be more compatible with the software and processes used by the journals.
Set up Your Uniqname and Account
You will use your uniqname and UMICH password to log in to U-M computing and online services. Your uniqname is also part of your U-M email address.
After payment of your enrollment deposit, you will receive an email from the university inviting you to set up your uniqname and account.
Permit Use of Your Photo
The Law School uses student photographs for the following Law School purposes:
- Seating charts
- Library identification
- Official student record
- Photo Directory
- Yearbook
If you haven’t already authorized the Law School to use your photograph, please do so now.
Student IT Support Policies
Review the Law School Information Technology student computing policies:
Upload an Audio Recording of Your Name
The Law School’s professors, administrators and staff members want to know how to pronounce your name correctly – and your classmates do, too.
Setting Up Your Laptop
Setup your laptop with the services provided by Law School Information Technology.
After You Arrive
Obtain Your Mcard (for Student/Computing ID)
Among other things, your Mcard will allow you access to various areas of the Law School after normal business hours and is one way to release print jobs.