Nina A. Mendelson, the Joseph L. Sax Collegiate Professor of Law at the University of Michigan, teaches and conducts research in the areas of administrative law, environmental law, statutory interpretation, and the legislative process.
Featured Scholarship
"The Not-So-Standard Model: Reconsidering Agency-Head Review of Administrative Adjudication Decisions"
- Administrative Law
"Tossing Sand in the Regulatory Gears: Hurdles to Policy Progress in the Supreme Court"
- Administrative Law
"Public Engagement, Equity, and Executive Order 14,094"
- Administrative Law
"The Federal Circuit Upholds "Shadow" Acting Official"
- Administrative Law
Senior Commenter on administrative law scholarship, Ninth Annual Administrative Law New Scholarship Roundtable, Notre Dame Law School.
Commenter, Duke Law School Administrative Law Symposium.
Discussant, Administrative Law After the Major Questions Doctrine and Chevron Symposium, Harvard Law School.
Presenter, “A Comprehensive Survey of Canon Usage at the Supreme Court, 1791-2023” (with Jonathan Choi), Legislation Roundtable, Georgetown University Law School.
Discussant, AdminForward Conference, NYU Law School
Presented comments on multiple papers at Legislation Roundtable, Georgetown University Law School
Served as senior commenter on AALS New Voices panel
Served as senior commenter on environmental law scholarship at Michigan Junior Scholars’ Conference.
Spoke on American Bar Association panel on Modernizing Public Comment: Potential, Perils, Pitfalls.
Spoke at Duke Law School on Constitutional Principals, Administrative Adjudication and Arthrex.
Served as senior commenter on AALS New Voices Panel
Served as a senior commenter at the New Voices in Administrative Law conference, University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor.