This seminar is designed for students with an interest in academic writing. By 2 weeks before the term begins, each student must have ready a draft of an academic paper that they would like to revise substantially in the course of the workshop, either for publication or for presentation on the academic job market. (If the paper was originally written for another course, the student must have already completed that course’s requirements by the start of the term.) In the first few class sessions, we will take up articles written by outside scholars and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. The balance of the term will be devoted to presenting and critiquing the works in progress of the workshop students as the papers undergo revision. Students will be responsible not only for presenting and revising their own papers, but for commenting upon each other’s work. Each student paper will be presented twice over the course of the semester: first, by a student commentator, and second, following revision, by the student author. The workshop will meet once a week for a 2-hour session. Students interested in enrolling in the workshop should submit draft papers of 20-30 pages (longer is also acceptable) to Professor Eisenberg by email directed to [email protected]. Students may also submit descriptions of the papers, with the understanding that a complete draft paper will be submitted by 2 weeks prior to the start of term.