Nicholson Price is a professor of law at the University of Michigan. He teaches and writes in the areas of intellectual property, health law, and regulation, particularly focusing on the law surrounding innovation in the life sciences. He has an extensive collection of colorful bow ties.
Featured Scholarship
"Use of Artificial Intelligence in Drug Development"
- Intellectual Property and Antitrust
- Health Law
"Locating Liability for Medical AI"
- Law and Technology
- Health Law
"The Sufficiency of Disclosure of Medical Artificial Intelligence Patents"
- Intellectual Property and Antitrust
- Health Law
"Comment on Chapters 1 and 4: Health AI, System Performance, and Physicians in the Loop"
- Health Law
Panelist, “Sharing Medical Research Data: Privacy and Confidentiality,” at the University of Utah Law Review Symposium
Panelist, “Health, AI, and the Internet of Things,” at Gonzaga Law School Conference on Health & Technology Policy
Panelist, “Intellectual Property: Incentives and Access to Vaccines and Treatments,” at Seton Hall Law Conference: Privacy and Intellectual Property in the Age of Coronavirus
Presented, “Public Funding and COVID-19,” at the Iowa Law School Business Law Speaker Series
Presented, “How the Pharmaceutical Industry Breaks Patent Law’s Value-Reward Link,” at the Junior IP Scholars Association Workshop
Presented, “Humans in the Loop in Medical AI,” at the AALS Annual Meeting
Panelist, Protecting Patient Privacy in Big Data at the Michigan Dissonance/MiCHAMP Panel
Presenter and moderator, “The Hope, the Hype, The Promise, The Peril,” at the Stanford/National Academy of Medicine Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Panelist, “Data Sharing and the Individual: The Tension between Privacy and Open Source Data in Science,” National Academy of Medicine Annual Meeting