Rebecca S. Eisenberg, the Robert and Barbara Luciano Professor of Law at the University of Michigan, specializes in patent law and the regulation of biopharmaceutical innovation.
Featured Scholarship
"The Not-So-Standard Model: Reconsidering Agency-Head Review of Administrative Adjudication Decisions"
Administrative Law Review
- Administrative Law
"New Innovation Models in Medical AI"
Washington University Law Review
- Law and Technology
- Health Law
"Limiting Agency Head Review in the Design of Administrative Adjudication"
Yale Journal of Regulation: Notice and Comment
- Administrative Law
"Whether and How the U.S. Government Should Exercise Its Compulsory Licensing Authority Under 28 U.S.C. § 1498 and the Bayh-Dole Act"
New York University Journal of Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law
- Intellectual Property and Antitrust