Adam C. Pritchard, the Frances and George Skestos Professor of Law at the University of Michigan, teaches corporate and securities law.
Featured Scholarship
Securities Regulation: Cases and Analysis
- Corporate and Securities Law
"Paying for Performance? Attorneys' Fees in Fraud Class Actions"
Empirical Legal Studies
- Corporate and Securities Law
- Litigation
"Giving Shareholders the Right to Say No"
- Corporate and Securities Law
Presented, “Coalitions among Plaintiffs’ Attorneys in Securities Fraud Class Actions,” Institute for Law and Economics Online Workshop, University of Pennsylvania
Presented, “Coalitions among Plaintiffs’ Attorneys in Securities Fraud Class Actions,” Law & Economics Workshop, University of Michigan Law School
Presented, “Coalitions among Plaintiffs’ Attorneys in Securities Fraud Class Actions”, Tulane Corporate and Securities Law Roundtable, Tulane University School of Law
Presented, “A History of Securities Law in the Supreme Court,” Faculty Workshop, Duke University Law School
Presented “Working Hard, or Making Work? Plaintiffs’ Attorneys Fees in Securities Fraud Class Actions, National Business Law Scholars Conference, University of California, Berkeley.
Presented “Should I Stay or Should I Go? Gender Gaps in the Market for SEC Lawyers,” American Law and Economics Association Annual Meeting.
Presenter, “Securities Litigation Contagion,” U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Presented “Should Public Companies be Permitted to Include Mandatory Arbitration Clauses in the Governing Documents?,” Council of Institutional Investors Webinar.
Presented “Should I Stay or Should I Go? Gender Gaps in the Market for SEC Lawyers,” Conference on Empirical Legal Studies, Society for Empirical Legal Studies, University of Michigan Law School.
Commentator, “A Decade of Corporate Governance in the Era of Post-Crisis: Review and Prospect,” 18th International Conference of 21st Century Commercial Law Forum, Commercial Law Research Center, Tsinghua University.
Presented “Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Gender Gap for SEC Attorneys” at the Canadian Law and Economics Association annual meeting.
Presented “Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Gender Gap for SEC Attorneys” at the National Business Law Scholars Conference, University of Georgia.
Presented “An Empirical Comparison of Insider Trading Enforcement in Canada and the United States” at the American Law and Economics Association annual meeting.
Presented “Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Gender Gap for SEC Attorneys” at the Law, Identity, and Politics Workshop, Duke University School of Law.
Presented “Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Gender Gap for SEC Attorneys” at the Law and Economics Workshop, University of Michigan Law School.
Presented “Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Gender Gap for SEC Attorneys” at the Center on Finance, Law, and Policy Blue Bag Lunch, University of Michigan.
Participant, Annual Securities Regulation Program, Los Angeles County Bar Association.
Conference co-organizer and presenter, “A New Look at the Role of Institutional Investors in Corporate Governance,” Korea Corporate Governance Service, Seoul.
Presented “Enforcement of Securities Law Violations,” Program on Ethics in Law and Business, University of Toronto.
Presented “Breaking News, The Supreme Court’s Decision in Salman v. U.S.: What Does it Mean for Private Practitioners?,” American Bar Association Business Law Section Webinar.