The Environmental Law and Sustainability Clinic, directed by Professor Oday Salim, provides a stellar opportunity for students to learn how to practice environmental and related areas of law.
Founded in 1983, the clinic regularly represents the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), its state affiliates, and other similar organizations. The focus is on water and wildlife resources, public lands, energy, and human health in the Great Lakes watershed.
About the Clinic
Students work on a wide variety of legal topics that include:
- Water quality and quantity
- Environmental justice
- Forest and wildlife management
- Climate change
- Energy regulation
- Administrative law
- International transboundary pollution and shared resource management
No matter the level of interest in an environmental law career, students will develop skills and areas of knowledge that can be applied to a broad range of fields. The diverse caseload allows students to participate in trial and appellate litigation, submit comments on proposed rules and permits, author opinion letters and reports that support policy-making, deliver live presentations, publish blog posts, evaluate and draft proposed legislation, and contribute to op-eds and press releases.
Recent project highlights include:
- A federal appellate brief about oil pipelines and endangered species
- An amicus brief in a climate change lawsuit
- A report on the legality of income-based water rates
- a comment on an environmental justice policy to allow for document translation