David M. Uhlmann is the Jeffrey F. Liss Professor from Practice, the inaugural director of the Environmental Law and Policy Program, and a Distinguished Faculty Fellow in Sustainability. His research and advocacy interests include corporate crime, criminal and civil enforcement of environmental laws, corporate accountability, and climate change and sustainability.
Presented (virtually) for the DC Bar “Can the Biden Administration Reverse the Decline in Pollution Prosecutions During the Trump Years?.”
“Climate Justice and Sustainability,” presented to University of Michigan, Central Student Government Fireside Chat Series, online.
“Back to the Future: Creating a Bi-Partisan Environmental Movement for the 21st Century,” presented to Rotary Club of Ann Arbor, online.
Presented “Who Calls the Shots? Enforcement in the Midst of Federal Deregulation” panel discussion to the ABA Section on Environment, Energy, and Resources Fall Conference, online.
Authored “The Climate Crisis Is Still a Crisis” for The Atlantic.
Interviewed on NPR’s Science Friday broadcast “Environmental Protection Apocalypse: What’s Happening at the EPA.”
Authored “BP Paid a Steep Price for the Gulf Oil Spill But for the US a Decade Later It’s Business as Usual” for The Conversation.
Presented “Drawing a Line: When Should Violations of Environmental Law Trigger Criminal Prosecution?” panel discussion, to ABA National Enforcement Conference, Washington, D.C..