The Veterans Legal Clinic at Michigan Law School is a clinical offering in which veterans and, in some cases their immediate families, will receive legal help in civil matters such as family law (divorce, custody, support and visitation), eviction, consumer problems, foreclosure, and employment cases.
About the Veterans Legal Clinic
The clinic assists veterans with legal help in civil matters such as family law (divorce, custody, support and visitation), eviction, consumer problems, foreclosure, and employment cases. Most veterans cannot afford to hire a lawyer and, as a population, have a disproportionately high need for attorneys in these legal areas.
Second- and third-year law students, under the supervision of faculty, will represent veterans who primarily live and work in southeast Michigan. Students will collaborate with other units on the University of Michigan campus, including psychology, social work, and medicine, as well as veterans services organizations and the local Veterans Administration medical complex in Ann Arbor, to holistically address the needs of their clients.