UM Weblogin
UM Weblogin is the University of Michigan’s login system for members of the university community with a uniqname.
UM Weblogin
If you do not have a uniqname, you can create a UM Friend Account in order to use UM Weblogin.
UM Friend Accounts
Admitted Students
The Admitted Students login allows newly admitted students to access various resources related to their admission to the Law School. Admitted students should log in with their 8-digit UMID and birthdate. If you experience any trouble logging in as an Admitted Student, please contact the Admissions Office by calling 734.764.0537 or emailing [email protected].
Email Admissions Office
The Alumni Information login allows Michigan Law alumni to access the Alumni Directory, register for reunions, and view other Alumni-restricted content. Alumni can log in using either their last name, class year, and birthdate or their Lookup ID (LID). If you experience any trouble logging in as an Alumni, please contact the Michigan Law’s Office of Development and Alumni Relations at 734-615-4535 and ask for your Lookup ID number.
Non-UM affiliated users may be able to authenticate with a Google account in order to access some of Michigan Law’s systems.