This policy intends to promote the exchange of information within the Law School community about upcoming events and academic deadlines. This policy is in addition to the University of Michigan Guidelines for Posting Flyers, Posters, and Other Related Items on University Property.
Bulletin boards throughout the Law School have been designated for use. While the Law School’s administrative teams may post on all boards, registered Law School student organizations or approved outside organizations may post only on boards designated for such use. Postings that do not comply with the designated purpose of the space will be removed.
No-Post Areas
Posters and notices may not be posted on walls, windows, doors, partitions, floors, dry erase boards, lockers, mailboxes, woodwork, elevators, restrooms, classrooms or other structural features of the Law School’s buildings and grounds. Notices posted outside of authorized areas will be removed. Persons, groups, and organizations placing flyers on surfaces other than the approved bulletin boards may be liable for any damage caused and failure to comply with this policy could result in loss of student organization funding.
Guidelines for Officially Recognized Law School Student Organizations
Law School student organizations registered and in good standing with the U-M Center for Campus Involvement may place event advertisements on bulletin boards within the Law School labeled “Student Organization Events.” Student organization event posters placed on any board designated for Law School Administrative Announcements will be removed.
All postings must include the name of the sponsoring organization and the valid University of Michigan email address for the organization’s contact person. Posters which do not include identifying information will be removed.
No posting may exceed 11 inches by 17 inches in size. Posters are limited to one per bulletin board. Posters should be affixed to bulletin boards with thumb tacks or push pins. Staples, nails, or other metal fasteners are not allowed. Posters should be placed so they do not block or otherwise interfere with adjacent posters. Posters may only be displayed for the two weeks preceding the advertised event.
Individual boards assigned to student organizations by the Law School Student Senate are not covered by this policy.
Free standing sign stanchions are available on a first-come, first-serve basis that can be used by official student organizations for notices and wayfinding immediately outside the event space on the day of the event. These signs should be 8.5 inches by 11 inches and in portrait orientation. Additional free standing signage may be allowed with approval through the room reservation process. Free standing signage may not obstruct the path of travel, including entry and exit into classrooms.
Student Organization Event Advertising
The University of Michigan’s student organizations usage policy for Copyrights, Trademarks, and Logos can be accessed on the Campus Involvement website. If you have questions, please contact the Law School’s Communications Office ([email protected]).
Guidelines for Approved Outside Organizations
Announcements by approved outside organizations may be posted on bulletin boards designated for such use. These boards are located to the left of the elevator in the lower level of Hutchins Hall, near the entrance to the underground Law Library, in the Lower Commons near the drinking fountain, and in Jeffries Hall on the first floor across from the Lounge.