Review of Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy, c.1050-1134

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Legal History
History: The Journal of the Historical Association

“Microhistory Set in Motion: A Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Creole Itinerary”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Empirical Futures: Anthropologists and Historians Engage the Work of Sidney W. Mintz

“Reinventar la esclavitud, garantizar la libertad: De Saint-Domingue a Santiago a Nueva Orleáns, 1803-1809”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History

“Law and Custom in the English Thirteenth Century Common Law”

  • Legal History
Custom: The Development and Use of a Legal Concept in the Middle Ages

“Starting Out: Changing Patterns of First Jobs for Michigan Law School Graduates”

  • Legal History
Law Quadrangle Notes

“Who We Were and Who We Are: How Michigan Law Students Have Changed Since the 1950s: Findings from 40 Years of Alumni Surveys”

  • Legal History
Law Quadrangle Notes

“ ‘She...Refuses to Deliver Up Herself as the Slave of Your Petitioner’ Émigrés, Enslavement, and the 1808 Louisiana Digest of the Civil Laws”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Tulane European and Civil Law Forum

“Understanding Early Petitions: An Analysis of the Content of Petitions to Parliament in the Reign of Edward I”

  • Legal History
Medieval Petitions: Grace and Grievance

“Death, Danger, and ... Dieting?: What is Courage? Who has it? Have we Debased its Meaning Since Plato Sought to Define it?”

  • Legal History
In Character: A Journal of Everyday Virtues

“The Making of English Law and the Varieties of Legal History”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Legal History
Early Medieval Studies in Memory of Patrick Wormald

“A Versatile Legal Administrator and More: The Career of John of Fressingfield in England, Ireland, and Beyond”

  • Legal History
Ireland and the English World in the Late Middle Ages

“Customs, Laws, and the Interpretation of Medieval Law”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Legal History
Custom: The Development and Use of a Legal Concept in the Middle Ages. Proceedings of the Fifth Carlsberg Academy Conference on Medieval Legal History 2008

“Deceit in War and Trade”

  • Legal History
The Philosophy of Deception

“Mentalités and Private Economic Decision-Making”

  • Legal History
Journal of Roman Archaeology