Dartanion Edwards

Wrongfully convicted: February 17, 2009
Exonerated: December 22, 2022
Genesee County

Dartanion Edwards was convicted of murder stemming from a 2007 shooting in Flint. A single witness identified Edwards, his brother, and two other men as the shooters. All four men were convicted based on this witness’s testimony. 

At trial, the prosecution did not provide the defense with a transcript of a police interview with the witness, instead just providing a summary of the interview. Years later, the defendants discovered that the transcript of the interview revealed many flaws and inconsistencies in the witness’s account, which greatly undermined his credibility. 

The Michigan Supreme Court heard post-conviction appeals from Edwards’s three codefendants in 2022 and overturned their convictions in July of that year. Edwards conviction was then also overturned through a stipulation between the Innocence Clinic and the prosecutor’s office in September. The prosecution then conducted a reinvestigation on the case and subsequently dismissed charges against all four men on December 22, 2022.

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