In addition to our 81 full-time professors, L. Bates Lea Global Law Professors, professors from practice, and business and public interest/public service fellows, Michigan Law invites a select group of visitors, adjuncts, and lecturers to join the faculty annually—all of whom are passionate about helping their students learn the law both inside and outside the classroom.

The Library at Michi­gan Law

The Michi­gan Law Library hous­es one of the world’s best col­lec­tions of research mate­ri­als. With over one mil­lion vol­umes and more than 500,000 titles, many in elec­tron­ic for­mat, it is a cen­ter for legal research for stu­dents, fac­ul­ty, lawyers, judges, and schol­ars from around the world.

Schol­ar­ship Repository

The Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan Law School Schol­ar­ship Repos­i­to­ry is designed to offer glob­al access to the schol­ar­ship of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan Law School. This repos­i­to­ry is a ser­vice of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan Law Library, which con­tributes to the mis­sion of the Law School by sup­port­ing research, schol­ar­ship, and access to legal information.

DC download map Scholarship repository
Get to Know Our Faculty

In our Bet­ter Know a Pro­fes­sor video series, we speak with Michi­gan Law fac­ul­ty mem­bers to under­stand their approach to teach­ing, legal areas of inter­est, and what they val­ue most in their rela­tion­ships with students. 

If you want to under­stand the schol­ars and legal experts you’ll learn from as a Michi­gan Law stu­dent, these inter­views are an invalu­able source of information.