Under­stand­ing Health Facil­i­ty Needs for Human Traf­fick­ing Response in Michigan”

  • Human Rights
Pub­lic Health Reports

Why are You Here? Mod­el­ing Illic­it Mas­sage Busi­ness Loca­tion Char­ac­ter­is­tics with Machine Learning”

  • Human Rights
Jour­nal of Human Trafficking

Human Traf­fick­ing Vic­tim’s Ser­vice Needs and Out­comes: An Analy­sis of Clin­i­cal Law Data”

  • Human Rights
Jour­nal of Human Trafficking

When Fed­er­al and State Sys­tems Con­verge: For­eign Nation­al Human Traf­fick­ing Vic­tims With­in Juve­nile and Fam­i­ly Courts”

  • Human Rights
  • Chil­dren and the Law
Juve­nile and Fam­i­ly Court Journal

Exam­in­ing the Real­i­ty of For­eign Nation­al Child Vic­tims of Human Traf­fick­ing in the Unit­ed States”

  • Human Rights
  • Chil­dren and the Law
Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty Jour­nal of Law and Policy