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Teachers Manual for International Law: Norms, Actors, Process
Steven R. Ratner
The Licensed Library: Lending in the Era of Digital Books
Aaron Perzanowski
Falling Apart: Law School in an Age of Cynicism
Gil Seinfeld
The Essential Gatt
Julian Arato
No Safe Harbor: Three Women between Freedom and Enslavement
Rebecca J. Scott
Constraining Bureaucracy Beyond Judicial Review: Rethinking Administrative Law in a System Without Courts
Christopher J. Walker
Women’s Lives in Men’s Courts: Briefs for Change
Catharine A. MacKinnon
Impeccable Research
Mark K. Osbeck
The Private Law of Investment Treaties
Julian Arato
- Corporate and Securities Law
Commentary on the Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement (of the WTO)
Donald H. Regan
Laws’ Empire: Multilegalism in Late Antiquitiy
Caroline Humfress
International Intervention in Domestic Constitution Making
Julian Arato
- International and Comparative Law
The Impact of Human Rights on International Law: General Course on Public International Law 2009
Bruno E. Simma
- International and Comparative Law
- Human Rights
Policing the Privileged
Daniel Fryer
Leading Cases in Administrative Law
Christopher J. Walker
International Law: Norms, Actors, Process
Steven R. Ratner
International Law: Cases and Materials
Julian Arato
Thought Crime
Gabriel Mendlow
Constitutional Law
Julian Davis Mortenson
Roman Dowry Law
Bruce Frier
The Oldest Constitutional Question: Enumeration and National Power
Richard Primus
In Courts Where Ghosts Appear: A Litigator Looks at the Salem Witch Trials
Leonard M. Niehoff
How Bureaucracies Learn: Innovation in the Patent Office’s Handling of Interferences, 1836-1940
Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Foundations of U.S. Law for International Students
Howard J. Bromberg
The International Tax Revolution
Reuven S. Avi-Yonah
The Myth of Executive Power
Julian Davis Mortenson