The Legal­i­ty of the Impo­si­tion of Sanc­tions by the Euro­pean Union in Inter­na­tion­al Law”

  • Inter­na­tion­al and Com­par­a­tive Law
Aspects of State­hood and Insti­tu­tion­al­ism in Con­tem­po­rary Europe

The Poten­tial and Pit­falls of the Right to Self-Deter­mi­­na­­tion for Women”

  • Human Rights
Human Rights, Self-Deter­mi­­­na­­­tion and Polit­i­cal Change in the Occu­pied Pales­tin­ian Territories

Reser­va­tions and Objec­tions to the Con­ven­tion on the Elim­i­na­tion of All Forms of Dis­crim­i­na­tion Against Women”

  • Human Rights
Human Rights as Gen­er­al Norms and a State’s Right to Opt Out : Reser­va­tions and Objec­tions to Human Rights Conventions