Review of Unternehmerisches Ermessen by Andrea Lohse
Hwa-Jin Kim
Seoul Law Journal
Mergers and Acquisitions
Hwa-Jin Kim2007
The Law and Practice of the Board of Directors
Hwa-Jin Kim2007
“Corporate Opportunity Doctrine in the Draft New Commercial Code”
Hwa-Jin Kim
Korea Corporate Governance Service Review
“Takeovers and Information Technology Firms”
Hwa-Jin Kim
Science, Technology and Law
“Kiop Kyongyongkwon sijung kwa hejip’otu / The Market for Corporate Control and Hedge Fund Activism in Korea”
Hwa-Jin Kim- Corporate and Securities Law
Seoul Law Journal
“Conflicts of Interest in Investment Banking”
Hwa-Jin Kim
Korean Journal of Comparative Private Law
Hostile Takeover and Defensive Tactics
Hwa-Jin Kim2007