Non-Adver­sar­i­al Case Resolution”

  • Chil­dren and the Law
Child Wel­fare Law and Prac­tice: Rep­re­sent­ing Chil­dren, Par­ents, and State Agen­cies in Abuse, Neglect, and Depen­den­cy Cases

Estab­lish­ing Legal Per­ma­nence for the Child”

  • Chil­dren and the Law
Child Wel­fare Law and Prac­tice: Rep­re­sent­ing Chil­dren, Par­ents, and State Agen­cies in Abuse, Neglect, and Depen­den­cy Cases

Rep­re­sent­ing Par­ents in Child Wel­fare Cases”

  • Chil­dren and the Law
Child Wel­fare Law and Prac­tice: Rep­re­sent­ing Chil­dren, Par­ents, and State Agen­cies in Abuse, Neglect, and Depen­den­cy Cases

Pro­fes­sion­al Prac­ti­tion­ers’ Views on Video­tap­ing: Cap­tur­ing and Con­vey­ing a Child’s Story”

  • Chil­dren and the Law
Seek­ing Jus­tice in Child Sex­u­al Abuse: Shift­ing Bur­dens and Shar­ing Responsibilities

A Child’s Jour­ney Through the Child Wel­fare System”

  • Chil­dren and the Law
Child Wel­fare Law and Prac­tice: Rep­re­sent­ing Chil­dren, Par­ents, and State Agen­cies in Abuse, Neglect, and Depen­den­cy Cases

Legal Rights of Fetus­es and Young Children”

  • Chil­dren and the Law
Prin­ci­ples of Addic­tions and the Law: Appli­ca­tions in Foren­sic, Men­tal Health, and Med­ical Practice

Spe­cial Issues in Tran­scul­tur­al, Tran­sra­cial, and Gay and Les­bian Par­ent­ing and Adoption”

  • Chil­dren and the Law
Prin­ci­ples and Prac­tice of Child and Ado­les­cent Foren­sic Men­tal Health

Child Sex­u­al Abuse: Legal Bur­dens and Sci­en­tif­ic Methods”

  • Chil­dren and the Law
Seek­ing Jus­tice in Child Sex­u­al Abuse: Shift­ing Bur­dens and Shar­ing Responsibilities

Shoul­der­ing the Shift­ed Bur­den: The Defense Attorneys”

  • Chil­dren and the Law
Seek­ing Jus­tice in Child Sex­u­al Abuse: Shift­ing Bur­dens and Shar­ing Responsibilities

Rep­re­sent­ing Chil­dren and Youth”

  • Chil­dren and the Law
Child Wel­fare Law and Prac­tice: Rep­re­sent­ing Chil­dren, Par­ents, and State Agen­cies in Abuse, Neglect, and Depen­den­cy Cases

Fed­er­al Child Wel­fare Legislation”

  • Chil­dren and the Law
Child Wel­fare Law and Prac­tice: Rep­re­sent­ing Chil­dren, Par­ents, and State Agen­cies in Abuse, Neglect, and Depen­den­cy Cases

The Indi­an Child Wel­fare Act”

  • Chil­dren and the Law
Child Wel­fare Law and Prac­tice: Rep­re­sent­ing Chil­dren, Par­ents, and State Agen­cies in Abuse, Neglect, and Depen­den­cy Cases