The Global Corporate Minimum Tax and MNE Home Countries


Fifty Years of ‘Cut To Grow’: How Changing Narratives around Corporate Tax Policy Have Undermined Child and Family Well-Being


The First US Tax Treaty and Its Influence


The Case for Reviving the Corporate AMT


24 International Tax Experts Address Current Tax Reform Efforts in Congress


Senator McCain’s Corporate Tax Proposals: A Critical Examination


Regressive Taxation and Money Machines: Reconciling a Us VAT with Progressivity

The United States and the Pillars

Follow the Money: Why is International Tax Bilateral?

The Case for Coordinated Corporate Tax Rates

The Benefits Principle

Why 15%? Justifying the Global Corporate Minimum Tax

Taxation for a New ‘New Deal’: Short-, Medium-, and Long-Term Options

  • Tax Law

Building the Gateway: Why the Two Pillars Need Each Other

The New International Tax Regime

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Tax Law

The Historical Origins of the Multilateral Tax Convention

Taxing Nomads: Reviving Citizenship-Based Taxation for the 21st Century

A Different Tax on Stock Buybacks

The Single Tax Principle

The Interaction Between Unilateralism and Multilateralism in International Tax

Build Back Better and Pillar Two: Two Alternative Scenarios