“The Progressive Idea of Democratic Administration”

  • Constitutional Law
  • Legal History
University of Pennsylvania Law Review

“The Roman Origins of the Public Trust Doctrine”

  • Legal History
Journal of Roman Archaeology

“What we talk about when we talk about trafficking: A reflection on the first 20 years of the modern anti-slavery fight”

  • Race and the Law
  • Human Rights
  • Civil Rights
  • Legal History
Routledge International Handbook of Human Trafficking: A Multi-Disciplinary and Applied Approach

“Institutional Economics and the Progressive Movement for the Social Control of Business”

  • Legal History
Business History Review

Review of Beyond the Borders of the Law: Critical Legal Histories of the North American West edited by Katrina Jagodinsky and Pablo Mitchell

  • Legal History
Journal of Arizona History

“The New World of Agency Adjudication”

  • Intellectual Property and Antitrust
  • Administrative Law
  • Legal History
California Law Review