“Harmony and Chaos in Products Liability: The Divergent Paths of Europe and the United States”

  • International and Comparative Law
Beyond Borders: Perspectives on International and Comparative Law

“Liability for Defective Products and Services: Emergence of a World Standard?”

Convergence of Legal Systems in the 21st Century: General Reports Delivered at the XVIth International Congress of Comparative Law

“Two Approaches to Internationalizing the Curriculum: Some Comments”

  • International and Comparative Law
Penn State International Law Review

“Die Erosion der klassischen Formen--Rechtskulturelle Wandlungen des Civil Law und Common Law im Europa des 19. und 20. Jahrunderts”

  • Legal History
Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte

“Coming Home: After 34 Years, the American Journal of Comparative Law Returns to Michigan”

  • International and Comparative Law
Law Quadrangle Notes

“Comparative Law and Private International Law”

  • International and Comparative Law
The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law

The Oxford HandBook, Whole of Comparative Law

  • International and Comparative Law