“Cumulative supplement”

Trademark and Unfair Competition Law: Cases and Material

“Medical AI, Standards, and Clinicians in the Loop”

Emory Law Journal

Constitutional Law

““Quibbles of Westminster Hall”: The Antimony of Text and Spirit in Revolutionary-Era Legal Culture”

Journal of the Early Republic

To Participate and Elect: 2024 Update

International Law: Norms, Actors, Process

“Minor v. Happersett and the Repudiation of Universal Suffrage”

Washington University Law Review

Falling Apart: Law School in an Age of Cynicism

Securities Regulation: Cases and Analysis

“A Law at War with Itself: Character Evidence and the Doctrine of Chances.”


“Placating Purcell: Constitutional Compensation in Justiciability Doctrines Regarding Election Challenges”

Illinois Law Review

“Risky Trust Investments”

Michigan State Law Review

“Reparations for Colonialism and the Perils of Legalization”

American Journal of International Law

“Yes, You’re About to Meet Your Maker, But Did You Really See That Guy?: The Common Law And The Crawford Dying Declaration Exception”

Michigan Journal of Law Reform

“Nolen Breedlove and the Nineteenth Amendment, in The History and Continuing Relevance of the Nineteenth Amendment”

Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy

“Memory, Resistance, and Doubt”

William and Mary Law Review

Policing the Privileged

How Bureaucracies Learn: Innovation in the Patent Office’s Handling of Interferences, 1836-1940

International Law: Cases and Materials

“Three Crises: Saving the World”

German Law Review

White Paper: The Key to Electric Grid Reliability, Modernizing Grid Governance

“The Joy of the Fight: What Litigators Can Learn from the Marital Arts.”


“Private Equity and Venture Capital in India”

Research Handbook on the Structure of Private Equity and Venture Capital

“Sins and Omissions: Slavery and the Bill of Rights”

Journal of American Constitutional History

“Select Criminal Law and Procedure Cases from the Supreme Court’s 2023-24 Term”

Court Review

“Congress and Shifting Sands in Administrative Law”

Widener commonwealth Law Review

Building the Gateway: Why the Two Pillars Need Each Other

“Labor Law, Ownership, and the Firm”

  • Labor and Employment Law
Chicago-Kent Law Review

“Trust Me: An Ethical Profession in an Age of Artificial Expertise”

Michigan Technology Law Review

The Oldest Constitutional Question: Enumeration and National Power

“Women in International Law Interest Group, Prominent Woman in International Law Award Acceptance Speech”

American Society of International Law Proceedings

“On Public Duties”

Interstitial Private Law

The International Tax Revolution

Advanced Introduction to International Tax Law

“The Expungement Process: Survey Evidence on Applicants’ Experience”

Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law

Teachers Manual for International Law: Norms, Actors, Process

“Channeling a Federal Right to Education through State Constitutions”

Touro Law Review

“Scrutiny of Employee Covenants Not to Compete Under the Rule of Reason: An Empirical Inquiry”

Notre Dame Law Review Online

Review of Index, a History of the

Legal Communication and Rhetoric

“New Challenges to Challenging Voter Intimidation”

Wisconsin Law Review

Wrongs & Rights Come Apart

“The Causes and Consequences of Loving International Organizations: A Reply to Jean D’Aspremont”

International Organizations Law Review

No Safe Harbor: Three Women between Freedom and Enslavement

“Confronting Algorithms: Conscience Catching in the Criminal Trial and Beyond”

Michigan Journal of Legal Reform

“Bizindan Miinawa (Listen Again)”

Tribal Law Journal

Is the Realization Rule the Achilles Heel of the Income Tax? The Income, Taxation, and Borrowing of the Top 1%

Stick Houses

“The Political Economy of India’s Corporate Social Responsibility Reforms”

Legal Heterodoxy in the Global South: Adapting Private Laws to Local Contexts

“Shareholder Agreements in India”

150 Years of the Indian Contract Act 1872

“Corporate Wrongdoing and Shareholders”

Corporate Crime: The Firm as Victim and Offender: Advances in Criminological Theory