“Race and the Right to Vote after Rice v. Cayetano”

  • Civil Rights
Civil Rights Litigation and Attorney Fees Annual Handbook

“For the Best of Friends and for Lovers of all Sorts, a Status Other than Marriage”

  • Civil Rights
  • Public Interest Law
Notre Dame Law Review

“The Americans with Disabilities Act as Risk Regulation”

  • Civil Rights
Columbia Law Review

“Revised Opinions in Brown v. Board of Education -- MacKinnon, J., Concurring in the Judgment”

  • Civil Rights
What Brown v. Board of Education Should Have Said: The Nation’s Top Legal Experts Rewrite America’s Landmark Civil Rights Decision

“Federalism, Preclearance, and the Rehnquist Court”

  • Constitutional Law
  • Civil Rights
Villanova Law Review

“What if? The Legal Consequences of Marriage and the Legal Needs of Lesbian and Gay Male Couples”

  • Civil Rights
Queer Families, Queer Politics: Challenging Culture and the State

“Isn’t It Ironic? The Central Paradox at the Heart of Percentage Plans”

  • Race and the Law
  • Civil Rights
Ohio State Law Journal

“Causation and Responsibility in Tort and Affirmative Action”

  • Race and the Law
  • Tax Law
  • Civil Rights
Texas Law Review

“Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case of Sex Discrimination”

  • Civil Rights
Sexual Harassment as an Ethical Issue in Academic Life