“Two Distinct Roles/Bright Line Test”

  • Children and the Law
Nevada Law Journal

“But I Didn’t Do Anything Wrong: Revisiting the Rights of Non-Offending Parents in Child Protection Proceedings”

  • Children and the Law
Michigan Bar Journal

“Out of State and Out of Luck: The Treatment of Non-Custodial Parents Under the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children”

  • Children and the Law
Yale Law and Policy Review

“Perpetuating the Impermanence of Foster Children: A Critical Analysis of Efforts to Reform the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children”

  • Children and the Law
Family Law Quarterly

“We Don’t Need to See Them Cry: Eliminating the Subjective Apprehension Element of the Well-Founded Fear Analysis for Child Refugee Applicants”

  • Children and the Law
Pepperdine Law Review