Group-Based Inequalities in Relationships in Law School Predict Disparities in Belonging, Satisfaction, and Achievement in Law School

“Equitable Reservoirs of Justice in Federal Habeas Corpus Review”

A Different Tax on Stock Buybacks

The Single Tax Principle

Is the Realization Rule the Achilles Heel of the Income Tax? The Income, Taxation, and Borrowing of the Top 1%

Empirical Evidence of Prosecutorial Charging Manipulation: And What It Tells Us about What Prosecutors Are Trying to Do

The Interaction Between Unilateralism and Multilateralism in International Tax

Fiscal Federalism as Insurance

A Situated-Stress Mindset Intervention Improves Bar Passage Rates Among Socially Disadvantaged Bar Exam Applicants

Der internationale Menschenrechtsschutz in Zeiten von Postglobalismus und Populismus

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Human Rights

Build Back Better and Pillar Two: Two Alternative Scenarios

The In Crowd? The Effect of Appearance, Ethnicity, and Gender on the Career Paths of SEC Enforcement Attorneys

Innovation Institutions and COVID-19

  • Law and Technology
  • Health Law

Measuring the Consequences of Criminal Jury Trial Protections