Liability for Non-Disclosure in Equity Financing

“Looking and Seeing”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

The Benefits Principle

A Different Tax on Stock Buybacks

“Third Parties”

Research Handbook on the Philosophy of Contract Law

“Bank Runs During Crypto Winter”

“Erasing Section 2”

Oxford Handbook of American Election Law

“Don’t be Cruel”

Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development

“A Hopeful Conversation: Overcoming Impunity for Sexual and Gender Based Violence”

American Society of International Law Proceedings

The Single Tax Principle

The Interaction Between Unilateralism and Multilateralism in International Tax

The Value and Reality of Transparent Consumer Insurance Contracts

Build Back Better and Pillar Two: Two Alternative Scenarios

The Federal Radio Act of 1927 and the Shaping of the Modern Administrative State

International Law between Covid-19 and the next Pandemic

“Against a Deconstitutionalisation of International Law in Times of Populism, Pandemic, and War”

Journal of Constitutional Justice

Staatsziel Tierschutz – Rechtsauftrag und Verantwortung Deutschlands in der Europäischen Union

“Meme Corporate Governance”

Southern California Law Review

The Lay Contract Schema and the Problem of Formalizing Consent

“Martin Feldstein”

The Palgrave Companion to Harvard Economics

Fairness in Incomplete Information Bargaining: Theory and Widespread Evidence from the Field

Innovation Institutions and COVID-19, Part II

“International Human Rights Law”

The Cambridge History of International Law

Corporate Taxation and the Distribution of Income

The Content of Consent

“Administrative tasks”

“Einsatzmöglichkeiten für Streitkräfte im Rahmen der Vereinten Nationen, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Handlungsspielraums von Regionalorganisationen”

“Challenging “the Veil and the Male Elite”: Fatima Mernissi’s Work as a Demand for Women’s Equal Right to Take Part in Cultural Life”

Engaging Fatima Mernissi: Feminism, Islam and Civil Society

“Legally Magic” Words

“Commonsense Consent and Action Representation: What is ‘Essential’ to Consent?”

Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Jurisprudence

“Creditors, Shareholders, and Losers In Between: A Failed Regulatory Experiment”

Cornell Law Review

“Does Public Enforcement Work?”

Oxford Handbook of Corporate Law and Governance

“Retail Investors and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Zero-Commission Trading”

“Theories of Appellate Review and Stare Decisis in Agency Adjudication”

The Rise and Fall of the Ogemakaan

“Law, Institutions and Economic Development: Examining the Development of the Home Mortgage Market in India - Can Two Wrongs Make a Right?”

Fields of Empire Ripe for Trade Unionism: The American Federation of Labor, Agricultural Workers of Color, and the Pan-American Labor Movement

“Juristocracy and Administrative Governance: From Benzene to Climate”

“Equitable Reservoirs of Justice in Federal Habeas Corpus Review”

Quality-Aware Tax Incentives for Charitable Contributions

The In Crowd? The Effect of Appearance, Ethnicity, and Gender on the Career Paths of SEC Enforcement Attorneys

Measuring the Consequences of Criminal Jury Trial Protections

“Dobbs, Precedent, Originalism, and the First Amendment”

Evaluating Tax Harmonization

Dworkin in His Best Light

Capital Gains Realizations

“The Three Lives of Mamengwaa: Toward an Indigenous Canon of Construction”

Repair As Research: How Copyright Impedes Learning About Devices

“The Radical Fair Housing Act”

Virginia Law Review

“Local Government Law for the 100-Year Life”

Law and the 100-Year Life