The Business of Securities Class Action Lawyering

The Value and Reality of Transparent Consumer Insurance Contracts

Fairness in Incomplete Information Bargaining: Theory and Widespread Evidence from the Field

International Law between Covid-19 and the next Pandemic

Three Crises: Saving the World

The Ethics and Etiquette of Structure

Rethinking Justiciability And Remedies

State Discrimination Against Federal Rights

Regressive Taxation and Money Machines: Reconciling a Us VAT with Progressivity

The Rise and Fall of the Ogemakaan

An Evaluation of Germany’s Legalized Prostitution Law

Dignity: An Equality Reading

The United States and the Pillars

Sexual Assault Victims Face a Penalty for Adjacent Consent

Follow the Money: Why is International Tax Bilateral?

Contractual Remedies in Mergers: Lessons from Crispo v. Musk

Inverse Lemons Markets and Mandatory Disclosure

Repair As Research: How Copyright Impedes Learning About Devices

The Central Tensions of Statutory Fee Shifting

Capital Gains Realizations

False Signaling and Personal Moral Failings: Two distinct pathways to hypocrisy with unequal moral weight

The New International Tax Regime

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Tax Law

Dworkin in His Best Light

Is Prostitution Persecution?

The Content of Consent

Wong Kim Ark, International White Supremacy, and the Law of Nations

Group-Based Inequalities in Relationships in Law School Predict Disparities in Belonging, Satisfaction, and Achievement in Law School

The Poison Pill in Canada: A Road Not Taken

“Legally Magic” Words

Paying for Performance? Attorneys’ Fees in Securities Fraud Class Actions

The Historical Origins of the Multilateral Tax Convention

The Single Tax Principle

Empirical Evidence of Prosecutorial Charging Manipulation: And What It Tells Us about What Prosecutors Are Trying to Do

The Lay Contract Schema and the Problem of Formalizing Consent

The Interaction Between Unilateralism and Multilateralism in International Tax

Fields of Empire Ripe for Trade Unionism: The American Federation of Labor, Agricultural Workers of Color, and the Pan-American Labor Movement

The Benefits Principle

Innovation Institutions and COVID-19, Part II

Who Benefits from Corporate Tax Cuts? Evidence from Banks and Credit Unions around the TCJA

The Case for Coordinated Corporate Tax Rates

Liability for Non-Disclosure in Equity Financing

When Police Reforms Backfire: Misperceptions of Consent and Reform Efficacy

The Federal Radio Act of 1927 and the Shaping of the Modern Administrative State

Who was the Author of the Batmobile?

Quality-Aware Tax Incentives for Charitable Contributions

Why 15%? Justifying the Global Corporate Minimum Tax

Building the Gateway: Why the Two Pillars Need Each Other

Evaluating Tax Harmonization

Corporate Taxation and the Distribution of Income

Staatsziel Tierschutz – Rechtsauftrag und Verantwortung Deutschlands in der Europäischen Union