Review of The Making of English Law. King Alfred to the Twelfth Century, by Patrick Wormald, and Legal Culture in the Early Medieval West: Law as Text, Image and Experience, by Patrick Wormald

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Legal History
English Historical Review

Review of Prolegomena: Corpus der Römischen Rechtsquellen zur Antiken Sklaverei (CRRS), by Johannes M. Rainer, and Teil I (CRRS): Die Bergründung des Sklavenstatus nach Ius Gentium und Ius Civile, by H Wieling

Bryn Mawr Classical Review

Review of Labor Costs and International Trade, by Stephen S. Golub, and The New Politics of American Trade: Trade, Labor, and the Environment, by IM Destler and Peter J. Balint

  • International and Comparative Law
Journal of International Economic Law

Review of The Strategic Constitution, by Robert D. Cooter, and Constitutional Democracy, by Dennis C. Mueller

University of Chicago Law Review

Review of The Sources of Roman Law: Approaching the Ancient World, by O. Robinson, and Roman Law in Context, by D. Johnston

Journal of Roman Archaeology