“María Coleta y el Fraile Capuchino: Esclavitud, Salvación y Adjudicación de Estatus”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Historia y Justicia

“Impunity for Acts of Peremptory Enslavement: James Madison, the U.S. Congress, and the Saint-Domingue Refugees”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
William and Mary Quarterly

“Transcription, Translation, and Collaboration”

The Americas

“Discerning a Dignitary Offense: The Concept of Equal Public Rights during Reconstruction”

  • Intellectual Property and Antitrust
  • Race and the Law
Law and History Review

“María Coleta and the Capuchin Friar: Slavery, Salvation, and the Adjudication of Status”

  • Race and the Law
William and Mary Quarterly

“Asserting Citizenship and Refusing Stigma: New Orleans Equal-Rights Activists Interpret 1803 and 1848”

  • Race and the Law
New Orleans, Louisiana & Saint-Louis, Senegal: Mirror Cities in the Atlantic World, 1659-2000s

“¿Cómo utiliza el derecho una analogía histórica?: Definiendo ‘una condición análoga a la de un esclavo’ en Brasil”

  • Race and the Law
El derecho, el medio ambiente y las crisis actuales en el capitalismo mundial (SELA 2016)

“International Law and Contemporary Slavery: The Long View”

  • International and Comparative Law
Michigan Journal of International Law

“Trabalho escravo: l’esclavage contemporain au Brésil”

  • Human Rights

“How Does the Law Put a Historical Analogy to Work? Defining the Imposition of ‘A Condition Analogous to That of a Slave’ in Modern Brazil”

  • Human Rights
  • Legal History
Duke Journal of Constitutional Law and Public Policy

“Social Facts, Legal Fictions, and the Attribution of Slave Status: The Puzzle of Prescription”

  • Human Rights
  • Legal History
Law and History Review

Provas de liberdade: Uma odisseia atlantica na era da emancipacao (Freedom Papers: An Atlantic Odyssey in the Age of Emancipation)

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History

“Dignité/Dignidade: Organizing Against Threats to Dignity in Societies After Slavery”

  • Race and the Law
Understanding Human Dignity

“O Trabalho Escravo Contemporâneo e os Usos da História (Contemporary Slave Labor and the Uses of History)”

  • Race and the Law
  • Human Rights
  • Legal History
Mundos do Trabalho

Freedom Papers: An Atlantic Odyssey in the Age of Emancipation

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History

“Under Color of Law: Siliadin v. France and the Dynamics of Enslavement in Historical Perspective”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
The Legal Understanding of Slavery: From the Historical to the Contemporary

“Paper Thin: Freedom and Re-enslavement in the Diaspora of the Haitian Revolution”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Law and History Review

“Slavery and the Law in Atlantic Perspective: Jurisdiction, Jurisprudence, and Justice”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Law and History Review

“Rosalie of the Poulard Nation: Freedom, Law, and Dignity in the Era of the Haitian Revolution”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Assumed Identities: The Meanings of Race in the Atlantic World

“’Stubborn and Disposed to Stand Their Ground’: Sugar Workers and the Dynamics of Collective Action in the Louisiana Sugar Bowl, 1863-87”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
The Lafourche Country III: Annals and Onwards

“Microhistory Set in Motion: A Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Creole Itinerary”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Empirical Futures: Anthropologists and Historians Engage the Work of Sidney W. Mintz

“Reinventar la esclavitud, garantizar la libertad: De Saint-Domingue a Santiago a Nueva Orleáns, 1803-1809”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History

“ ‘She...Refuses to Deliver Up Herself as the Slave of Your Petitioner’ Émigrés, Enslavement, and the 1808 Louisiana Digest of the Civil Laws”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Tulane European and Civil Law Forum

“Public Rights”

International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

“Servitude, Liberté et Citoyenneté dans le Monde Atlantique des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles: Rosalie de Nation Poulard..”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Revue de la Société Haïtienne d’Histoire et de Géographie

“Public Rights, Social Equality, and the Conceptual Roots of the Plessy Challenge”

  • Race and the Law
  • Civil Rights
  • Legal History
Michigan Law Review

“The Atlantic World and the Road to Plessy v. Ferguson”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
The Journal of American History

“A Cuban Connection: Edwin F. Atkins, Charles Francis Adams, Jr., and the Former Slaves of Soledad Plantation”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Massachusetts Historical Review

“Les papiers de la liberté: Une mère africaine et ses enfants à l’époque de la révolution haïtienne”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History

“Public Rights and Private Commerce: A Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Creole Itinerary”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Current Anthropology

“The Provincial Archive as a Place of Memory: Confronting Oral and Written Sources on the Role of Former Slaves in the Cuban War of Independence (1895-98)”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Archives, Documentation, and Institutions of Social Memory: Essays from the Sawyer Seminar

“Grados de libertad: Democracia y antidemocracia en Cuby y Luisiana, 1898-1900”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Historia Social

Degrees of Freedom: Louisiana and Cuba After Slavery

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History

“Degrees of Freedom: Building Citizenship in the Shadow of Slavery”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Law Quadrangle Notes

“Comment rendre compte de l’abolition de l’esclavage?: Contradictions, adaptations et transformations de la société esclavagiste cubaine, 1860-1886”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Histoires et identités dans la Caraïbe: Trajectoires plurielles

“Le ‘droit d’avoir des droits’: Les revendications des ex-esclaves à Cuba (1872-1909)”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Annales, Histoire, Sciences sociales

“The Provincial Archive as a Place of Memory: the Role of Former Slaves in the Cuban War of Independence (1895-98)”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
History Workshop Journal

“Derechos y honra públicos: Louis Martinet, Plessy contra FergusoN.Y. el acceso a la ley en Luisiana, 1888-1917”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Debate y Perspectivas

The Archives of Cuba

  • Legal History

“Se battre pour ses droits Écritures, litiges et discrimination raciale en Louisiane (1888-1899)”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Cahiers du Brésil contemporain

“Tres vidas, una guerra Rafael Iznaga, Bárbara Pérez y Gregoria Quesada entre la emancipación y la ciudadanía”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Historia y memoria: Sociedad, cultura y vida cotidiana en Cuba, 1878-1917

“The Provincial Archive as a Place of Memory: Confronting Oral and Written Sources on the Role of Former Slaves in the Cuban War of Independence (1895-98)”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
New West Indian Guide

“Property in Writing, Property on the Ground: Pigs, Horses, Land, and Citizenship in the Aftermath of Slavery, Cuba, 1880-1909”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Comparative Studies in Society and History

“The Writings of Moise (1898-1985): Birth, Life, and Death of a Narrative of the Great War”

  • Legal History
Comparative Studies in Society and History

Societies After Slavery: A Select Annotated Bibliography of Printed Sources on Cuba, Brazil, British Colonial Africa, South Africa, and the British West Indies

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History

“Reclaiming Gregoria’s Mule: The Meanings of Freedom in the Arimao and Caunao Valleys, Cienfuegos, Cuba, 1880-99”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Past and Present

Espacios, silencios y los sentidos de la libertad: Cuba entre 1878 y 1912

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History

Beyond Slavery: Explorations of Race, Labor, and Citizenship in Postemancipation Societies

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History

“Small-Scale Dynamics of Large-Scale Processes”

American Historical Review

Slave Emancipation in Cuba: The Transition to Free Labor, 1860-1899

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History