“The Provincial Archive as a Place of Memory: Confronting Oral and Written Sources on the Role of Former Slaves in the Cuban War of Independence (1895-98)”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
New West Indian Guide

“Property in Writing, Property on the Ground: Pigs, Horses, Land, and Citizenship in the Aftermath of Slavery, Cuba, 1880-1909”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Comparative Studies in Society and History

“The Writings of Moise (1898-1985): Birth, Life, and Death of a Narrative of the Great War”

  • Legal History
Comparative Studies in Society and History

Societies After Slavery: A Select Annotated Bibliography of Printed Sources on Cuba, Brazil, British Colonial Africa, South Africa, and the British West Indies

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History