“Politics and the Histories of International Law: An Introduction to the Special Issue”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Human Rights
Journal of the History of International Law

“Women, Gendered Violence and the Construction of the “Domestic””

  • Human Rights
Seeking Safety, Knowledge and Security in a Troubling Environment

“Olmstead v. L.C.: The Supreme Court Case”

  • Human Rights
  • Public Interest Law
  • Law and Social Sciences
Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law and Policy

“The ADA Amendments Act and the Projects of the American Disability Rights Movement”

  • Human Rights
  • Health Law
University of District of Columbia Law Review

“Introduction to the Symposium on Soft and Hard Law on Business and Human Rights”

  • Human Rights
American Journal of International Law Unbound

Snapshots of COVID-19: Structural Inequity and Access to Justice

  • Race and the Law
  • Human Rights
  • Health Law

“Conclusion: Reparation for Victims of Armed Conflict – At the Interface of International and National Law”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Human Rights
Reparation for Victims of Armed Conflict

“Law and the Political Economy of Hunger”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Human Rights
European Journal of International Law

“The International Court of Justice”

  • Human Rights
The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal

“Series Editor’s Preface”

  • Human Rights
The Global Governed?: Refugees as Providers of Protection and Assistance