Systematic Enhancement of Protein Crystalization Efficiency by Bulk Lysine-to-Arginine (KR) Substitution

“COVID-19 Risk Factors and Boilerplate Disclosure”

The United States and the Pillars

Follow the Money: Why is International Tax Bilateral?

The Case for Coordinated Corporate Tax Rates

“The High Road and the Low Road: What Should be the US Reaction to the End of Pillar One?”

Why 15%? Justifying the Global Corporate Minimum Tax

“Building the Gateway: Why the Two Pillars Need Each Other”

“Taxation and Corporate Governance”

“Whither LOB?”

The Historical Origins of the Multilateral Tax Convention

“The Meaning of «IS»: Reflections on Nestle”

The Ethics and Etiquette of Structure

Rethinking Justiciability And Remedies

State Discrimination Against Federal Rights

“The State[s] of Confession Law in a Post-Miranda World”

Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology

“Conclusion: The State and Local-Legal Governance in the Early American Republic”

Journal of the Early Republic

“Comment on “Fiscal Federalism and the Role of the Income Tax””

Policy Responses to Tax Competition

“Repurposed Energy”

Minnesota Law Review

Contractual Remedies in Mergers: Lessons from Crispo v. Musk

“Physicists as Environmental Experts”

DePaul Law Review

“Chenery II Revisited”

George Washington Law Review

“The Origins of the Major Questions Doctrine”

Indiana Law Journal

Women’s Lives in Men’s Courts: Briefs for Change

  • Civil Rights

“Fascism and Monopoly”

  • Intellectual Property and Antitrust
Michigan Law Review

Foundations of U.S. Law for International Students

“Travaux Préparatoires”

  • International and Comparative Law
Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Law

“Regulation of Corporate and Securities Laws in India”

Comparative Approaches to Regulation in India and China

“Breaking Baal: Monuments, Memory, and Social Justice”

Harvard Law Review