Kisor in the Lower Courts

“Confronting Algorithms: Conscience Catching in the Criminal Trial and Beyond”

Michigan Journal of Legal Reform

“Local Government Law for the 100-Year Life”

Law and the 100-Year Life

“Perceived Effects of Expungement on Life Outcomes and Attitudes toward the Legal System: Survey Evidence”

Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law

“Shadow Banking and Securities Law”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Stanford Law Review

“Administering Social Data: The U.S. Census as Public Data Infrastructure”

No Safe Harbor: Three Women between Freedom and Enslavement

“Judicial Hierarchy and Change in Administrative Law”

“Nolen Breedlove and the Nineteenth Amendment, in The History and Continuing Relevance of the Nineteenth Amendment”

Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy

“Labor Law, Ownership, and the Firm”

  • Labor and Employment Law
Chicago-Kent Law Review

“Memory, Resistance, and Doubt”

William and Mary Law Review

Policing the Privileged

“Taxpayer Rights After a Decade Revisited”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“A Hopeful Conversation: Overcoming Impunity for Sexual and Gender Based Violence”

American Society of International Law Proceedings

“The State[s] of Confession Law in a Post-Miranda World”

Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology

“Law, Antiquity; Law, Enlightenment; Law, Middle Ages; Law, 19th Century; Law, Renaissance; Law, 20th Century”

Sage Encyclopedia of Theory

“Saving Agency Adjudication”

“Campbell at 21/Sony at 31”

S.W. International Property Review (Chinese edition)

“Select Criminal Law and Procedure Cases from the Supreme Court’s 2023-24 Term”

Court Review

“Reforming Abolition”

Michigan Law Review

“Meme Corporate Governance”

Southern California Law Review

“Should Large Corporate Mergers Be Subsidized?”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“Ending Intellectual Property”

  • Intellectual Property and Antitrust

“Limiting The Blast Radius: Can Congress Save The Code From Realization?”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

Commentary on the Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement (of the WTO)

“The Origins of the Major Questions Doctrine”

Indiana Law Journal

“The New International Law of Contracts”

  • International and Comparative Law
European Journal of International Law

“Shareholder Agreements in India”

150 Years of the Indian Contract Act 1872

“Third Parties”

Research Handbook on the Philosophy of Contract Law

“Corporate Wrongdoing and Shareholders”

Corporate Crime: The Firm as Victim and Offender: Advances in Criminological Theory

“Retail Investors and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Zero-Commission Trading”

“Preventing Inversions”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“Personalize Your Defaults (Especially When You Write)”

“The Three Lives of Mamengwaa: Toward an Indigenous Canon of Construction”

“Liability for Use of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine”

  • Law and Technology
  • Health Law
Research Handbook on Health, AI and the Law

“Challenging “the Veil and the Male Elite”: Fatima Mernissi’s Work as a Demand for Women’s Equal Right to Take Part in Cultural Life”

Engaging Fatima Mernissi: Feminism, Islam and Civil Society

“New Challenges to Challenging Voter Intimidation”

Wisconsin Law Review

Wrongs & Rights Come Apart

Constraining Bureaucracy Beyond Judicial Review: Rethinking Administrative Law in a System Without Courts

  • Administrative Law

“The Regulation of Unfairness in Contract”

Research Handbook on the Philosophy of Contract Law

“Scrutiny of Employee Covenants Not to Compete Under the Rule of Reason: An Empirical Inquiry”

Notre Dame Law Review Online

Review of Index, a History of the

Legal Communication and Rhetoric

“Legal Processes Required to Implement AI in Healthcare”

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare

“The Causes and Consequences of Loving International Organizations: A Reply to Jean D’Aspremont”

International Organizations Law Review

“Legal Prostitution: A Crime Against Humanity?”

Harvard International Law Journal

“Roman Precursors of Modern Human Rights Doctrine”

“Building the Gateway: Why the Two Pillars Need Each Other”

“The Joy of the Fight: What Litigators Can Learn from the Marital Arts.”


“Protecting the Sovereign’s Money Monopoly”

“Breaking Baal: Monuments, Memory, and Social Justice”

Harvard Law Review