“The Mortmain Licensing System, 1280-1307”

  • Legal History
English Government in the Thirteenth Century

“Petitions and Parliament in the Reign of Edward I”

  • Legal History
Parchment and People: Parliament in the Middle Ages

“John D’Arms the Scholar”

  • Legal History
Ostia, Cicero, Gamala, Feasts, & the Economy: Papers in Memory of John H. D’Arms

“Comment rendre compte de l’abolition de l’esclavage?: Contradictions, adaptations et transformations de la société esclavagiste cubaine, 1860-1886”

  • Race and the Law
  • Legal History
Histoires et identités dans la Caraïbe: Trajectoires plurielles

“Home and Homelessness in the Middle of Nowhere”

  • Legal History
Home and Homelessness in the Medieval and Renaissance World

“Stewards, Bailiffs, and the Emerging Legal Profession in the Later Thirteenth-Century England”

  • Legal History
Lordship and Learning: Studies in Memory of Trevor Aston

“Delay in the English Common Law Courts (Twelfth to Fourteenth Centuries)”

  • Legal History
The Law’s Delay: Essays on Undue Delay in Civil Litigation