“Looking and Seeing”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

Women’s Lives in Men’s Courts: Briefs for Change

“Cumulative supplement”

Trademark and Unfair Competition Law: Cases and Material

Securities Regulation: Cases and Analysis

“Corporate Wrongdoing and Shareholders”

Corporate Crime: The Firm as Victim and Offender: Advances in Criminological Theory

“The American Antimonopoly Tradition: Origins, Contradictions, Transformations”

NYU Journal of Law & Business

“The Radical Challenge to the Antitrust Order”

Wake Forest Law Review

“Shareholder Agreements in India”

150 Years of the Indian Contract Act 1872

“Third Parties”

Research Handbook on the Philosophy of Contract Law

“The Expungement Process: Survey Evidence on Applicants’ Experience”

Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law

“Theories of Appellate Review and Stare Decisis in Agency Adjudication”

“Creditors, Shareholders, and Losers in Between: A Failed Regulatory Experiment”

Cornell Law Review

“Administrative tasks”

“Regulation of Corporate and Securities Laws in India”

Comparative Approaches to Regulation in India and China

“Administrative Law’s Political Dynamics in the States”

Wisconsin Law Review

“Are Exit Taxes Discriminatory?”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

Advanced Introduction to International Tax Law

International Intervention in Domestic Constitution Making

  • International and Comparative Law

The Licensed Library: Lending in the Era of Digital Books

“Political Biases and Taxation Revisited”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“Copyright and the Myth of Creativity”

Berkeley Technology Law Journal

Teachers Manual for International Law: Norms, Actors, Process

The Impact of Human Rights on International Law: General Course on Public International Law 2009

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Human Rights

“The Common Law of Trademarks, and the Lanham Act”

Research Handbook on the History of Trademark Law

“Should Vulnerable Victims Show Mercy?”

Texas Law Review

“Is You Is or Is You Ain’t My Client? Navigating the Mysteries of Prospective and Organizational Representation.”


“Trust Me: An Ethical Profession in an Age of Artificial Expertise”

Michigan Technology Law Review

“Dobbs, Precedent, Originalism, and the First Amendment”

“The Weakness of Neighborhood Revitalization Planning in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program: Warnings from Connecticut”

Journal of Land Use and Environment Law

“Pillar 2 and Specific Benefits for Multinationals”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“Juristocracy and Administrative Governance: From Benzene to Climate”

“Daten als Eigentum?”

Umkämpftes Eigentum Aktuelle Debatten

““Quibbles of Westminster Hall”: The Antimony of Text and Spirit in Revolutionary-Era Legal Culture”

Journal of the Early Republic

To Participate and Elect: 2024 Update

“Repurposed Energy”

Minnesota Law Review

“Erasing Section 2”

Oxford Handbook of American Election Law

“The Administrative Procedure Act Problem Reconsidered”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“Martin Feldstein”

The Palgrave Companion to Harvard Economics

Constitutional Law

“The Political Economy of India’s Corporate Social Responsibility Reforms”

Legal Heterodoxy in the Global South: Adapting Private Laws to Local Contexts

“COVID-19 Risk Factors and Boilerplate Disclosure”

“What Counts As Authorship And Who Counts As An Author?”

International Law: Norms, Actors, Process

“Banks and Tax-Exempt Debt Arbitrage”

“Privacy Puzzles: The Public Problems of Privacy Law”

“All Stick and No Carrot? Reforming Public Offerings”

Virginia Law and Business Review

“Medical AI, Standards, and Heroes in the Loop”

Emory Law Journal

“The Case for a Carbon Tax Revisited”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“Physicists as Environmental Experts”

DePaul Law Review

“Placating Purcell: Constitutional Compensation in Justiciability Doctrines Regarding Election Challenges”

Illinois Law Review