“Accomplices of Abbott Lawrence Lowell”

  • Legal History
Harvard Law Review Forum

“How Does the Law Put a Historical Analogy to Work? Defining the Imposition of ‘A Condition Analogous to That of a Slave’ in Modern Brazil”

  • Human Rights
  • Legal History
Duke Journal of Constitutional Law and Public Policy

“Commentary on Welch v. Helvering, 290 U.S. 111(1933)”

  • Tax Law
  • Legal History
Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Tax Opinions

“Social Facts, Legal Fictions, and the Attribution of Slave Status: The Puzzle of Prescription”

  • Human Rights
  • Legal History
Law and History Review

“The Dissociation of Incorporation and Regulation in the Progressive Era and the New Deal”

  • Legal History
Corporations and American Democracy