“Controlling Externalities: Ownership Structure and Cross-Firm Externalities”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Journal of Corporate Law Studies

“What Rises from the Ashes?”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Iowa J. Corp. L.

“Shareholder Engagement in the United States”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
The Cambridge Handbook of Shareholder Engagement and Voting

“Compliance as Costs and Benefits”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
  • Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Cambridge Handbook of Compliance

“Judges in the Lab: No Precedent Effects, No Common/Civil Law Differences”

  • Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Journal of Legal Analysis

“Corporate Law and Economic Development”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Research Handbook on Comparative Corporate Governance

Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization

  • Legal Writing and Research

“Which Aspects of Corporate Governance Do and Do Not Matter in Emerging Markets”

Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting

“Fiduciary Principles in Indian Law”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
The Oxford Handbook of Fiduciary Law

“Stock Market Reactions to India’s 2016 Demonetization”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies


  • International and Comparative Law
  • Administrative Law
Regulation in India: Design, Capacity, Performance

“An Analysis of Internal Governance and the Role of The General Counsel in Reducing Corporate Crime”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
Research Handbook on Corporate Crime and Financial Misdealing

“South by Southeast: Comparing the Development of In-House Legal Departments in Brazil and India”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
The Brazilian Legal Profession in the Age of Globalization: The Rise of the Corporate Legal Sector and Its Impact on Lawyers and Society

“The Impact of Mandated Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from India’s Companies Act of 2013”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
International Review of Law and Economics

“Business Organizations in India Prior to the British East India Company”

  • Legal History
Research Handbook on the History of Corporate and Company Law

“Globalization and the Rise of the In-House Counsel Movement in India”

  • International and Comparative Law
The Indian Legal Profession in the Age of Globalization

The Indian Legal Profession in the Age of Globalization

  • International and Comparative Law

“The Anatomy of Legal Recruitment in India: Tracing the Tracks of Globalization”

  • International and Comparative Law
The Indian Legal Profession in the Age of Globalization

“The Evolving Global Supply Chain for Legal Services: India’s Role as a Critical Link”

  • International and Comparative Law
The Indian Legal Profession in the Age of Globalization

“Overview of Legal Practice in India and the Indian Legal Profession”

  • International and Comparative Law
The Indian Legal Profession in The Age of Globalization

“An Introduction to Globalization, Lawyers, and Emerging Economies: The Case of India”

  • International and Comparative Law
The Indian Legal Profession in the Age of Globalization

“Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Laws in India: The Arrival of the Class Action?”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Law: China and the World

“A Comparative Analysis of the Regulation of Squeeze-Outs and Going-Private Transactions”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
Comparative Takeover Regulation: Global and Asian Perspectives

“Board Independence in India: From Form to Function?”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
Independent Directors in Asia: A Historical, Contextual and Comparative Approach

“Profession, Occupation, Trade, or Business”

  • Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
The Oxford Handbook of the Indian Constitution

“The Costs and Benefits of Mandatory Securities Regulation: Evidence from Market Reactions to the JOBS Act of 2012”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting

“Anticipatory Bail in India: Addressing Misuse of the Criminal Justice Process?”

  • Criminal Law
Comparative Criminal Procedure

“Reverse Cross-listings - The Coming Race to List in Emerging Markets and an Enhanced Understanding of Classical Bonding”

Corporate Practice Commentator

“CEO Connectedness and Corporate Frauds”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
The Journal of Finance

“Regulating Squeeze Outs in India: A Comparative Perspective”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
American Journal of Comparative Law

“Reverse Cross-listings - The Coming Race to List in Emerging Markets and an Enhanced Understanding of Classical Bonding”

  • International and Comparative Law
Corporate Practice Commentator

“Current Trends in International Investment Arbitration”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law

“[Title here in Chinese characters] Reverse Cross-listings - The Coming Race to List in Emerging Markets and an Enhanced Understanding of Classical Bonding”

[Chinese Characters] [Peking University Law Review]

“[Title here in Chinese characters] Reverse Cross-listings - The Coming Race to List in Emerging Markets and an Enhanced Understanding of Classical Bonding”

  • International and Comparative Law
[Chinese Characters] [Peking University Law Review]

“Reverse Cross-listings - The Coming Race to List in Emerging Markets and an Enhanced Understanding of Classical Bonding”

  • International and Comparative Law
Cornell International Law Journal

“Methods for Multicountry Studies of Corporate Governance: Evidence from the BRIKT Countries”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
Journal of Econometrics

“Corporate Governance, Enforcement, and Firm Value: Evidence from India”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Journal of Law, Economics and Organization

“The Rarity of Derivative Actions in India: Reasons and Consequences”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
The Derivative Action in Asia: A Comparative and Functional Approach

“Reforming the Corporate Monitor?”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Prosecutors in the Boardroom: Using Criminal Law to Regulate Corporate Conduct

“The Relation Between Firm-Level Corporate Governance and Market Value: A Case Study of India”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Emerging Markets Review

“The Role of Independent Directors in Controlled Firms in India Preliminary Interview Evidence”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
National Law School of India Review

“The Development of Modern Corporate Governance in China and India”

  • International and Comparative Law
China, India and the International Economic Order

“Political Economy of Criminal Procedure”

  • Criminal Law
Encyclopedia of Law and Economics

“New Centres of Economic Power - New Challenges and Priorities for Fighting Corruption? Corporate Governance, Corporate Integrity in India”

  • Criminal Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
Global Corruption Report 2009: Corruption and the Private Sector

“Corporate Governance Ratings: One Score, Two Scores, or More?”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
University of Pennsylvania Law Review PENNumbra

“Corporate Governance in India: Past, Present & Future?”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Jindal Global Law Review

“The Current State of the Enforceability of Foreign Judgments & Arbitral Awards in India”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
India Law News

“The Growth of the Fiduciary Duty Class Actions for Freeze Out Mergers: Weinberger v. UOP, Inc.”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
The Iconic Cases in Corporate Law

“Can Corporate Governance Reforms Increase Firm Market Values? Event Study Evidence from India”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies

“A Public Choice Theory of Criminal Procedure”

  • Criminal Law
Supreme Court Economic Review