“Meme Corporate Governance”

Southern California Law Review

“Bank Runs During Crypto Winter”

“Don’t be Cruel”

Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development

“A Hopeful Conversation: Overcoming Impunity for Sexual and Gender Based Violence”

American Society of International Law Proceedings

“Modular Bankruptcy: Toward a Consumer Scheme of Arrangement”

“Valuing Social Data”

Columbia Law Review

“The Great Regulatory Dodge”

Harvard Journal of Law and Technology

“New Tech, Old Problem: The Rise of Virtual Rent-to-Own Agreements”

Boston College Law Review

“Personalize Your Defaults (Especially When You Write)”

“The Runaway Train of Mandated Reporting”

San Diego Law Review

“Cryptic Patent Reform Through the Inflation Reduction Act”

Harvard Journal of Law and Technology

“Rethinking Innovation at FDA”

Boston University Law Review

“Judicial Hierarchy and Change in Administrative Law”

“Saving Agency Adjudication”

“The Weakness of Neighborhood Revitalization Planning in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program: Warnings from Connecticut”

Journal of Land Use and Environment Law

“The Macroprudential Myth”

Georgetown Law Journal

“Effects of Communicating the Rise of Climate Migration on Public Perceptions of Climate Change and Immigration”

“Why We Should Stop Talking About Violent Offenders: Storytelling and Decarceration”

Northwestern University Law Review

“Theories of Appellate Review and Stare Decisis in Agency Adjudication”