“Mandated Reporting of Child Maltreatment”

An Introduction to the Medical Evaluation of Child Maltreatment

“Health AI, System Performance, and Physicians in the Loop”

The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: Health Care Challenges

“Legal Processes Required to Implement AI in Healthcare”

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare

“Law, Antiquity; Law, Enlightenment; Law, Middle Ages; Law, 19th Century; Law, Renaissance; Law, 20th Century”

Sage Encyclopedia of Theory

“The Regulation of Unfairness in Contract”

Research Handbook on the Philosophy of Contract Law

“Travaux Préparatoires”

  • International and Comparative Law
Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Law

“Regulation of Corporate and Securities Laws in India”

Comparative Approaches to Regulation in India and China

“Juristic Literature and the Law: Competition and Cooperation”

  • Legal Writing and Research
Medicine and the Law under the Roman Empire

“Edward S. Rogers, the Common Law of Trademarks, and the Lanham Act”

  • Legal History
Research Handbook on the History of Trademark Law

“Inter-American Philosophy: Born of Struggle?”

Philosophizing the Americas: An Inter-American Discourse

“Revisiting the Margin of Appreciation in Investor-State Dispute Settlement”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
International Law and the Margin of Appreciation

“VCLT Article 31: General Rule of Interpretation”

  • International and Comparative Law
General International Law in International Investment Law

“Liability for Use of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine”

  • Law and Technology
  • Health Law
Research Handbook on Health, AI and the Law

“Does Public Enforcement Work?”

Oxford Handbook of Corporate Law and Governance

“Religion and Law in Ireland and Northern Ireland Since 1968”

The Oxfor Handbook of Religion in Modern Ireland

“Local Government Law for the 100-Year Life”

Law and the 100-Year Life

“Comment on “Fiscal Federalism and the Role of the Income Tax””

Policy Responses to Tax Competition