“Looking and Seeing”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

Women’s Lives in Men’s Courts: Briefs for Change

“Cumulative supplement”

Trademark and Unfair Competition Law: Cases and Material

Securities Regulation: Cases and Analysis

“The Administrative Procedure Act Problem Reconsidered”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“Martin Feldstein”

The Palgrave Companion to Harvard Economics

Constitutional Law

“The Political Economy of India’s Corporate Social Responsibility Reforms”

Legal Heterodoxy in the Global South: Adapting Private Laws to Local Contexts

“What Counts As Authorship And Who Counts As An Author?”

“The Sovereignty Problem in Federal Indian Law”

UCLA Law Review

“Minor v. Happersett and the Repudiation of Universal Suffrage”

Washington University Law Review

“Criminal Responsibility for Legal Prostitution as Crime Against Humanity”

International Law: Norms, Actors, Process

“COVID-19 Risk Factors and Boilerplate Disclosure”

“All Stick and No Carrot? Reforming Public Offerings”

Virginia Law and Business Review

“Banks and Tax-Exempt Debt Arbitrage”

“Privacy Puzzles: The Public Problems of Privacy Law”

“Medical AI, Standards, and Heroes in the Loop”

Emory Law Journal

“The Case for a Carbon Tax Revisited”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“Physicists as Environmental Experts”

DePaul Law Review

“Repurposed Energy”

Minnesota Law Review

““Quibbles of Westminster Hall”: The Antimony of Text and Spirit in Revolutionary-Era Legal Culture”

Journal of the Early Republic

To Participate and Elect: 2024 Update

In Courts Where Ghosts Appear: A Litigator Looks at the Salem Witch Trials

  • Litigation

The Oldest Constitutional Question: Enumeration and National Power

Women’s Lives in Men’s Courts: Briefs for Change

  • Civil Rights

“Comment on “Fiscal Federalism and the Role of the Income Tax””

Policy Responses to Tax Competition

“On Public Duties”

Interstitial Private Law

“Bizindan Miinawa (Listen Again)”

Tribal Law Journal

“Against a Deconstitutionalisation of International Law in Times of Populism, Pandemic, and War”

Journal of Constitutional Justice

Leading Cases in Administrative Law

  • Administrative Law

“Women in International Law Interest Group, Prominent Woman in International Law Award Acceptance Speech”

American Society of International Law Proceedings

“International Human Rights Law”

The Cambridge History of International Law

“Taxing the Super-Rich after Moore”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

The International Tax Revolution

“The Role of Private and Public Lands in the U.S. Clean Energy Transition”

Journal of Land Use and Environment Law

Foundations of U.S. Law for International Students

“Does Public Enforcement Work?”

Oxford Handbook of Corporate Law and Governance

“Commonsense Consent and Action Representation: What is “Essential” to Consent”

Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Jurisprudence

“Legal Prostitution: A Crime Against Humanity?”

Harvard International Law Journal

“Roman Precursors of Modern Human Rights Doctrine”

“Building the Gateway: Why the Two Pillars Need Each Other”

“Retail Investors and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Zero-Commission Trading”

“Preventing Inversions”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“Scrutiny of Employee Covenants Not to Compete Under the Rule of Reason: An Empirical Inquiry”

Notre Dame Law Review Online

The Essential Gatt

“The Causes and Consequences of Loving International Organizations: A Reply to Jean D’Aspremont”

International Organizations Law Review

Wrongs & Rights Come Apart

Constraining Bureaucracy Beyond Judicial Review: Rethinking Administrative Law in a System Without Courts

  • Administrative Law

“The Regulation of Unfairness in Contract”

Research Handbook on the Philosophy of Contract Law