“Bees, Trees, Preemption and Nuisance: A New Path to Resolving Pesticide Land Use Disputes through FIFRA”

  • Environmental and Energy Law
Ecology Law Quarterly

“Pesticides, Children’s Health Policy, and Common Law Tort Claims”

  • Environmental and Energy Law
  • Health Law
Minnesota Journal of Law, Science and Technology

“From Reservoirs to Remediation: The Impact of CERCLA on Common Law Strict Liability Environmental Claims”

  • Environmental and Energy Law
Wake Forest Law Review

“The Expansion of Punitive Damages in Minnesota: Environmental Litigation after Jensen v. Walsh”

William Mitchell Law Review

“Setting Appropriate Limits: Choice of Law and Statutes of Limitation”

Hennepin Lawyer

“The Role of Private and Public Lands in the U.S. Clean Energy Transition”

Journal of Land Use and Environment Law